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Cned Devoir 1 BTS, Anglais

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Par   •  29 Mai 2015  •  1 242 Mots (5 Pages)  •  1 131 Vues

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Devoir 1 (écrit)

Exercices d’aide à la compréhension

Exercice 1 : passé, présent et futur

1. Information used to be kept in filing cabinets and books, but now it is stored on computers and perhaps

eventually it will be stored in the sky.

2. In the USA, notaries used to be secretaries or receptionists whereas nowadays increasing numbers are

lawyers, and soon they all will be required to be highly trained in information technology.

Exercice 2 : vocabulaire

(qui) souffle sur / s’empare de d’où une mode un sujet épineux une tonalité de sonnerie

sweeping hence a fad/craze/trend a thorny issue a ringtone

une présentation

(d’un nouveau produit)

un discours

d’encouragement une clé USB disponible sauvegarder

a rollout a pep talk a thumb drive available to back-up

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prévision un changement « techtonique » éparpillé fiable appelé/surnommé

forecast a ‘techtonic’ shift scattered reliable dubbed

un appareil stocker groupe cogner/critiquer un tableau/un tableur

a device to store bunch to bash a spreadsheet

Exercice 3 : première approche du document

1. We can see someone working at a desktop computer which seems to be connected or wired to a cloud.

2. Cloudy – cloud – sky

3. IT (Information technology = Technologies de l’information et de la communication)

Exercice 5 : compréhension globale

Sentence that best describes the subject of the article:

3. Storing your information on an internet server which is separate from your personal computer

Exercice 6 : compréhension détaillée

1st paragraph

1. According to the title, the future seems clear.

Wrong: The forecast is cloudy.

2. The big friggin’ Web tone switch, on-demand computing, grid computing and software as a service are former

names for what is now called cloud computing.

Right: In the introduction, it says The latest name is cloud computing.

3. The CEO of ORACLE is frustrated by all the noise around this new trend.

Right: Oracle CEO Larry Ellison bashed “the whole cloud phenomenon as just a fad” and said “It’s

complete gibberish” (lines 6-8).

2nd paragraph

4. Cloud computing is not as complicated as it sounds.

Right: In lines 10-14, it says that cloud computing makes sense, that instead of storing your data on your

own computer, you store it on a server on the internet.

5. Your data is stored on one computer in the city where you live.

Wrong: It can be stored anywhere and you don’t know where : “somewhere in some service that lives in

the sky” (lines 28-29) ...

6. You can pick up your information wherever you are using laptops, mobile phones or internet kiosks if you have a

USB key.

Wrong: lines 19-29 say that you don’t need a USB key but large bandwidth on your computer or phone.

7. Thanks to VMware’s software, many servers can be combined so the computer has more power, is more

efficient and quicker.

Right: Lines 32-35 mention that “VMware’s software lets techies combine hundreds of servers into a giant

pool of computer power so applications run more efficiently.”

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3rd paragraph

1. How does cloud computing simplify and speed up work?

You don’t have to worry about which computer your data is stored on or need to back up documents or

engrave* them on CDs or copy them to USB keys. Moreover you can keep adding information into your one

storage space forever.

* the usual everyday term is to burn data etc. onto a CD.

4th paragraph

2. What does Microsoft think about Cloud Technology?

They think it is great. At its annual conference in 2008, they encouraged customers to use it.

3. Does the author agree? What has been his personal experience with the system?

The author is less enthusiastic. He says “we’re not there yet” and gives the example of his own experience

with Apple’s MobileMe which he thinks is unreliable and difficult to use.

5th paragraph

4. How can cloud computing be useful for companies?

They need the power and speed on specific projects and they save money and time. They don’t have to

buy a bunch of computers to get the project done quickly and can just rent cloud-computing services for

the length of their project.

5. What is What cloud computing service does it offer?

It is an online


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