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Cned Anglais Devoir 2

Dissertation : Cned Anglais Devoir 2. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  18 Juin 2013  •  550 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 038 Vues

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The mail explain the faster of Help Now 2020.

Really, Help Now 2020 can be faster because he works around many goals.

And that is his stronger.

So, to conclude, Help Now 2020 fight many goals in the world with other NGOS.

Hepl Now 2020, want to fight disparity between humans.

He's faster and stronger because is everywhere in the world and help about all causes in the world.

The donation is use in eradicate hunger, disease and illiteracy and provide decent housing, shcools and medical centers to ensure dencent living conditions to everyone in the global village 2020.

The global village is a metaphor to the world.

But is not all, this assocation help natural catastrophes, wars, and unscrupulous behaviors can be obstacles which complicate tempory.

In document 2, Mr CROZIER a co-manager of relief effort in Mexico thank an other man, Mr DAVIDSON for his donation.

Indeed, Mr DAVIDSON, is a man who helping with other donors in a very serious earthquake in Pacific coast of Mexico on January 2nd.

The mail explain the faster of Help Now 2020.

Really, Help Now 2020 can be faster because he works around many goals.

And that is his stronger.

So, to conclude, Help Now 2020 fight many goals in the world with other NGOS.

Hepl Now 2020, want to fight disparity between humans.

He's faster and stronger because is everywhere in the world and help about all causes in the world.

The donation is use in eradicate hunger, disease and illiteracy and provide decent housing, shcools and medical centers to ensure dencent living conditions to everyone in the global village 2020.

The global village is a metaphor to the world.

But is not all, this assocation help natural catastrophes, wars, and unscrupulous behaviors can be obstacles which complicate tempory.

In document 2, Mr CROZIER a co-manager of relief effort in Mexico thank an other man, Mr DAVIDSON for his donation.

Indeed, Mr DAVIDSON, is a man who helping with other donors in a very serious earthquake in Pacific coast of Mexico on January 2nd.

The mail explain the faster of Help Now 2020.

Really, Help Now 2020 can be faster because he works around many goals.

And that is his stronger.

So, to conclude, Help Now 2020 fight many goals in the world with other NGOS.

Hepl Now 2020, want to fight disparity between humans.


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