- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

BTS tourisme anglais

Dissertation : BTS tourisme anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  4 Janvier 2018  •  Dissertation  •  511 Mots (3 Pages)  •  747 Vues

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Outside of July and August many tourist sites propose visits only in english and french.

Even in July and August due to many tourists coming even though they cannot speak the language she has to guide in English.

Unless they bring their own tour guide, the tour has to be in English.


If she knows the site she doesn’t have any research to do but she has to find out as much as she can about the group so she can adapt the vocabulary to the group’s level of interest. School students and students of architecture don’t get the some presentation as the level is quite different.

If she doesn’t know the site she has to prepare her presentation as she would in French. First is collecting as much informations as she can (in english is she can) then put those informations in the right order to eliminate useless informations.


  • Prepare
  • Make a series of notes
  • Do not read speak with your words
  • Use simple English
  • No need to learn technical words unless needed to
  • Learn the key words that will lead you to a clear presentation


  • Good morning everyone
  • My name is Helène and i’m your guide
  • This morning we are going to visit the grounds and the interior of the chateau
  • So if you would like to follow me, we can start our visit
  • Over there you can see…
  • If you look down there by the river just next to the wall of the chateau you can see the remains of the fish tanks.


First email in French:

Bonjour Jean-Pascal,

Pour raison professionnelle je ne serais pas disponible vendredi prochain pour une visite, sachant que vous êtes expert dans le domaine je vous écris cet e-mail. Le travail a faire est un tour guider du chateau d’Azay-le-Rideau a un groupe de 28 enfants d’une école anglaise vendredi prochain. Ils arriveront au chateau a 10h00. Ils sont lycéens, ont a peu près 17 ans et la plus part d’eux étudient l’Histoire.

Essentiellement vous allez devoir presenter l’histoire du chateau de sa construction jusqu’au 19eme siècle et les incroyables caractéristiques du bâtiment comme la grande cage d’escalier et l’influence de la renaissance italienne. Vous allez devoir aussi presenter une ou deux choses sur les terrains et l’endroit lui-même. La presentation devra durer a peu près une heure.



Second email in English:

Dear Claire Hughes,

Due to an unplanned event that i have to attend i won’t be available for the Azay-le-Rideau castle presentation next friday at 10am. I am very sorry to turn down this great opportunity and inform you about it at the last minute. I contacted one my french colleague Jean-Pascal by mail who is a castle expert to cover for me and he gladly accepted the offer. He will be at the site to make the presentation instead of me.         Thank you for your patience and cooperation

Best Regards.


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