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Argumentation Subjective (document en anglais)

Cours : Argumentation Subjective (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  8 Avril 2014  •  Cours  •  338 Mots (2 Pages)  •  657 Vues

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This was ages ago, but the same thing happened to me when I was in CEGEP. I had an exceptional first semester, then completely lost interest and just stopped going. For a straight year my marks were zero in everything except for phys. ed., and I only went to that because I liked to work out (it was a weight lifting course or something).

Anywho, a few years later I realized I needed an education, and reapplied. I can't remember having any issue getting back in, though I think I might have had to sign some sort of social contract or something, where I promised to make my classes and participate. I think I also was required to report to an academic adviser more frequently. I made the honour role every semester, with my last semester having a stellar average of 91.8%.

I was worried as well that no university would take me because it reduced my average drastically. I spoke to the people at Abbott, and asked to have that year expunged from my record, and they told me that I could not. This was before this R rating system or whatever you've got there. I did manage to get a letter from Dean or whoever of the programme that I forwarded with my application, and got admitted to university, no muss no fuss. My suggestion may be to speak to the academic adviser or department chair and see if you can work something like that out with them. If they won't, do it yourself - write a letter and explain your situation - have them examine your record in more detail, specifically the (hopefully) positive arc in your grades. Some universities may disregard your worst semester or something, to try and get a more balanced view of an applicant.

Fast forward 10 years, I now have 3 more degrees (2 post-grads) and a cushy job earning a good salary, so it all turns out in the end. I think institutions realize that at that age people


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