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Évolution et progression ( texte en anglais)

Note de Recherches : Évolution et progression ( texte en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  8 Mai 2015  •  264 Mots (2 Pages)  •  650 Vues

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Progress is a steady evolution towards a better state, he is a technological, social or medical change that challenges the customs and tradition. This is often the object of concern regarding possible consequence.

In the relation to the notion the subject of my presentation will be teleworking. We may wonder to has progress only benefits ?

First we will see the benefits and then the drawbacks of teleworking.

We learn that, in the US the figures in 2011, 34 millions Americans woshed from home. 1 in 20 employees worked from home in 2011 in the USA but many more people could work from home. A research firm predicted that the number of teleworkers world be multiplied by 4.

A lot of people could work from home, but most people still go to work.

When you work from home, you need computer and internet. Here the advantages are the schedules because you start when you want, if you are handicapped it can be more convenient, you can work for a foreign company, you don't fell the pressure of managers, you needn't be on sick leave...

You can work in your pyjamas on the other hand a drawback because you can become lazy.

Like drawbacks there you can not make friends with your collegues, your private life and your professional life are mixed, it's more difficult to be motivated, it's more difficult to know if what you do is good not, you can not compare, you eyes are tired, you work on your computer most of the time.

So maybe people like to be with people.

The progress have both advantages and drawbacks


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