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Évaluation semestre 6 IFSI

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Par   •  24 Avril 2017  •  Étude de cas  •  640 Mots (3 Pages)  •  645 Vues

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Evaluation d’anglais

UE 6.2 semestre 6

Promotion 2013 - 2016

N° d’anonymat : 21310546

288 mots note : /20


The therapeutic education within the addiction of breastfeeding women.


Addiction affects a large number of patients and our profession requires to know how to conduct a therapeutic education to help them.

During my first year of training in the maternity unit I had to deal with a patient who had an addiction to tobacco and who wanted to breastfeed. I found myself helpless faced up to that woman who made it very clear that she would not stop smoking whatever I undertook.

So my initial question was : how is the therapeutic nursing education fundamental in the breastfeeding tobacco addict mother.


My objective is to evidence that the nurse has an key role in helping the addicted person to become aware of their addiction and guide them towards a relevant support.

N° d’anonymat : 23110546


I decided to perform interviews with different professionals including midwives, pediatric nurses and one maternity nurse. Subsequently I grouped the concepts that had emerged and I studied by researching in litterature and online.

I focused my research on three concepts : addiction, breastfeeding and therapeutic education. After developing these concepts I could analyze my research.

This analysis allowed me to highlight new concepts : the moral, no-judment, ethics and experience in nursing.

To improve my final paper and stack all the odds in my favour, I had my final study corrected by a Professor.


I am glad I did this work because it allowed me to position myself as a future professional. My topic was very centered so I was left with few elements wich made my argument more difficult. Yet, I am able to conclude that the nursing role in the therapeutic education among breastfeeding women addicted to tobacco is a job that requires moral values and experience.

Key words

therapeutic education, addiction, breastfeeding, tobacco, moral values, experience.

N° d’anonymat : 21310546


L’éducation thérapeutique chez la patiente allaitante addicte au tabac.


L’addiction concerne un grand nombre de patient et notre profession nécessite de savoir mener une éducation thérapeutique afin de leur venir en aide.

J’ai dû prendre en charge une patiente qui présentait une addiction au tabac et qui souhaitait allaiter. Je me suis


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