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Unauthorized Mexican immigration in the United States of America.

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Par   •  3 Novembre 2019  •  Cours  •  615 Mots (3 Pages)  •  565 Vues

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Unauthorized Mexican immigration in the United States of America.

How Mexican immigrations have an influence on the American life?

Source: À la frontière mexicaine, la photo emblématique de la politique anti-immigration de Trump, no author on Courrier international, published on November 28, 2018.

(Je n'ai pas pu coller la photo mais vous en avez la source)

Nowadays, immigrants represent a large part of the population. That is to say, 40% of the population is foreign-born in the United States and American immigrants represents one fifth of the total world’s immigrants. But this immigration brings issues like illegal immigration of some people who came for example from Asia or South America. Among these, 50% are Mexicans, it represents 4% of the total population of United States, it amounts 12 million of people.

The inhabitants of Mexico leave their country for social, political, environmental and economic reasons. The autocracy lead to hard life conditions because the member of the government members sell the lands of little agriculture to influential company. Moreover, the life expectancy in this country is 72 years against 76 years in the United States. The education is not developing enough leads to a mainly illiterate population about 55%. The economy of this country is deplorable and the natural disasters like tsunami or earthquakes don’t improve this situation. The economy failure breads to a growth of drugs trafficking, criminality rate, lack of water and doctors.

Immigrants try by all means to getting through the border in the United states. On the first hand, immigrants attempt to cross the frontier illegally without being spotted by guards. And on the other hand, some others find a more efficient way by going legally in the United States with a VISA that gives the permission to stay in a country for a limited time so when the VISA is expired, they stay, and it makes very hard for the authority to arrest them. The crossing of the border brings some issues in the United States such as the criminality, drugs and undeclared work.

The American government has decided to reinforce its polity against the illegal immigration. First of all, American deport all illegal Mexicans they can. Now, they think about solution to prohibit Mexicans to enter in the country. In the short term, they deploy the army throughout the borderland. But the limit is that they don’t have the permission to arrest people. Only the border guard can. Currently there are 5 more times guard and the budget has increased from 263 million to 3 801 million. In the long term, Donald Trump, the president, want to build a great wall. It will be between six and nine meters high and the previsions for the length are 1500 km long. In addition to this wall there will be 12 thousand camera, drones, license plate reader.

To put it in a nutshell, Mexicans have many reasons to leave their country, they do this illegally by different ways and it brings many problems for the United States who want to stop this kind of immigration. So, their solutions are to harden their policy. A recent polemic as forced the president to abdicate an old law that separate immigrant families. So, now we can wonder if the government policy that try to respond to a problem will ironically cause new


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