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USA Expansion

Cours : USA Expansion. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Mars 2014  •  Cours  •  230 Mots (1 Pages)  •  582 Vues

or many years the USA have expanded all around the world. They try to impose to everybody their way of life, their money, their company and their political values. Is it a good thing or isn't it ?

Americans have always expanded to others countries. With the native americans to who they thief their lands, they have been violent, they've expulsed them of their houses and have taken it. They've show them alcohol and drugs, which have destroyed the native americans who weren't dead yet.

But this was only a little part of what americans can do to impose their country to the world. After the war they give money to many other countries, including France, to help them. They send them tractors too, and other stuff made in USA. This way they have prepare us to the american way of life, which can be resume in «  buy, and buy again , also if you don't need it !». Thanks to that, today the USA are one of the three most important economic countries in the world.

Today, all the most important companies in the world are from the USA. And all of them exist in many countries. So everybody we are using products from Us companies and it include mangstuff like GSM, TV, Mc donales, Google, Facebook... The most important part of the movies that we look is from the USA too.


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