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Time Management

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Par   •  14 Mai 2014  •  288 Mots (2 Pages)  •  805 Vues

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Student or worker, time is important for them both. Me as a student and me as a future employee, I believe that time management is the MOST important factor of success that comes after the personnel skills and qualification

At financial domain, time effectively brings money, but it is true for the personnel career?

From my experience as a student, I’m completely convinced that time and its management are irreplaceable, I can illustrated from my little experience. Having 9 subjects at least at a week and you must revise them all to understand and assimilate your lessons, or during the period of exams when you have more then one control at a week or perhaps at the same day, here when it shown your capacity of managing time, you cannot revise one subject and drop the others.

So it’s true that time management lead to success, when you are a student.

But it’s not the case for an employee; the management of time is not the only condition to success. You can for example organize your time, have your agenda, your schedule, your planning…but without a strong background and efficient skills, you cannot attend your goals.

So qualification plus skills plus time management = success undoubtedly.

To sum up, we arrive that time management it’s too important in the two principal phases of an individual life, but it’s conditional by other factors to reach the undoubtedly success


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