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The Prohibition

Mémoires Gratuits : The Prohibition. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  8 Novembre 2013  •  417 Mots (2 Pages)  •  704 Vues

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This attempts of prohibition of alcohol is a total failure, the defense of drinking alcohol create an increase of consummation. Indeed because of the prohibition to sale or drink alcohol the mafia organization grows. This is the starting point of the whole criminality and the mafia organization we think about Al Capone the most famous gangster of the prohibition. That’s permit the sophistication of the organized crime. Furthermore it gives rise of an increasing corruption.

The alcohol consummation is not in decrease but in increase, we have more hard alcohol consummate on 1920 than before, and it drinks on an environment otherwise harmful. The American drinks more strong alcohol. This amendment it’s not enable to control the alcohol drinker, to control what they drink and how much.

If the prohibition doesn’t have a real impact on the drinking problem of the population it’s because the legal text didn’t give the possibility to fight against the secret industry of alcohol. Furthermore the governments are not ready to raise necessary funds to the successful conduct of a law of a such scale.

The prohibition has been the first case, to what will be the tendency on the American legislation; enact rules without giving the way to apply them.

But it’s allows to change politics, and to be on the regulation rather than toward the prohibition

As for the abolition of the prohibition, everybody was convinced of the insignificance of it. But nobody took initiative to abolish it.

Financially speaking, damage obvious for the public finances: the fiscal and customs loss of income contraband cannot be controlled. That’s the big depression of the 1930s and the unemployment were finally right of the Prohibition and decided on the legislators to act. And in a bid to restore fiscal receipts lost by the Federal state goes hands in hands with the will to create jobs.

The Prohibition foiled the Americanization of minorities, and favors strengthening of the communitarianism. The aspect of mosaic of the American society so asserted itself to the detriment of the melting-pot.


The eighteenth amendement didn’t have the expected impact on the population. Instead of drinking less people drink more and stronger alcohol. So on February nineteen thirty three, the American legislation adopts the twenty first amendments which give a end to the eighteenth. This is the end of years of depravity. We have to notice than for the end of the prohibition American people drink alcohols softer like vines. That’s proves the fact to prohibit something make people doing worst things.


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