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The End Of Coming Home To An Empty Fridge

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Par   •  23 Mars 2014  •  489 Mots (2 Pages)  •  971 Vues

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The document under study is a document drafted from the website of a quality British newspaper the Daily Mail, dated the 8th of August 2012. It was written by Eddie Wrenn and it's entitled "the end of coming home to an empty fridge : Tesco opens 'virtual shop' inside Gatwick so you can stock up while waiting for your plane". It deals with a topical issue nowadays, namely the new trends of consumption through the new technologies.

So, it would be sensible to study this document along two main lines, that is to say, first the advantages of a such new experience launched by Tesco, and in a second part, the drawbacks that come with this new trend.

Let's start with the first part, that is to say, the advantages of the virtual shops. Indeed, the author explains that Tesco decided to launch, I quote "an interactive virtual grocery store at Gatwick Airport" on line 1. Tesco bases its project on the fact that holidaymakers can be tired when they return home, and they did not want to stride the supermarkets' shelves for shopping. That's why, I quote "Tesco switched on ten digital displays in Gatwick's North Terminal departure lounge" on line 7. Indeed, travellers who will be at Gatwick Airport could scan with their phone the bar codes of various products and have them delivered to their homes in time.

The senior marketing manager of Tesco highlights also the fact that it could help busy families thanks to a flexible deadline of order and delivery, I quote "You can book a delivery slot up to three weeks in advance [...] and it'll be delivered to your home when you get back." lines 18-19.

Let's switch to the second part, the drawbacks of virtual shops. In this article, the author seems to neglect the disadvantages that go with this innovative project. Indeed, such a project could generate higher prices on the daily products in order to receive a return on investment for the digital displays.

From the moment you decide to buy through digital displays and a phone, we already know that we cannot control the quality of products we've selected. In addition to that, the conditions of transport and delivery can bend any products.

More, by using your phone, your data are transmitted and can be reused, and therefore you will be contacted by phone or on the internet to offer you new products more or less related to the purchase you have made.

To put it in a nutshell, I would say that even if the project launch by Tesco seems to be a very nice innovation, it doesn't only have advantages.

Indeed, the journalist doesn't mention the drawback but it doesn't mean that there is only advantages, he puts forward the fact that it's very convenient and helpful. But it could also be a breech on privacy through the use of smartphones.

In a branching out, I'd like to deepen the subjects of ...


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