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The Blacks In The USA

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Par   •  28 Avril 2013  •  310 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 029 Vues

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The black in the USA


. 1 - The slavery

• 2 - Racial segregation in the USA

• 3 - The fight for civil rights

• 4 - Conclusion

The slavery

American blacks were slaves, deprived of liberty before being excluded from the political system. In 1790, about 760000 black america, 700000 are slave. Slaves grow tobacco, corn, sugarcane, and especially cotton. They are also servants.

Slaves come mainly from South East Africa where they are exchanged for trinkets or captured. They are then imported by boat to other continents and will be sold at the market

Racial segregation in the USA

• In the 19th century, the practices of segregation is increasing. The races coexist, but do not live together. The blacks can’t vote. The blacks are separate but equal of the whites. This situation will last 75 year. There are a lot of discrimination.

• Any one here:

• - The obligation to give place blacks to whites in the bus and get to the bottom of the car.

• - Lower wages.

• - The ban on interracial marriages.

• The fight for civil rights

• The civil rights movement was born on September 1, 1955 when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. Under the leadership of Martin Luther King, blacks boycotted the city buses.

• The system of segregation ends from the early 1960s under the presidency of John F. Kennedy and his successor, especially with L. Johnson, the great Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits all forms of discrimination and segregation in public places.


• Today, Barack Obama is the first black U.S president. There are 70 year, it would be impossible. Racial discrimination is illegal everywhere, yet few blacks are prominent and powerful. Now all this is done, the mentality of American changed.


Grow : cultiver

Slave : esclave


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