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Sujet d'invention Beyonce

Cours : Sujet d'invention Beyonce. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Janvier 2018  •  Cours  •  396 Mots (2 Pages)  •  482 Vues

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Beyonce was born on the four september one thousand nine hundred and eighty-first in Houston, Texas. She begins her career very young at nine years old. In one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seventh, she parts of a group of four girls named destiny’s child which will makes success. But after in two thousand she decide to sing only and she released her first album dangerously in love. She become actress and plays her first move in two thousand and two in the comedy austin power, she playing more movies in her career.

Her success increases from years to years, she leaves making concerts in all the world and his fan increase more and more. But in two thousand and thirteen in Montréal when she sing on the scene,in the middle of the song her hair locked in a ventilator present on the platform and beyonce stay blocked for one minute.

This one minute are enough to cause a trouble, this trouble is in reality a reaction with the electricity, one hour after beyonce is not the same.

Her mental capacity became exceptional, she was able to controlled few things with her intelligence, for exemple she could moved object or kill person just with her eyes and concentration

With her power, beyonce decided to made a better world, she helped the peoples needy.

Unfortunately, she forgot her passion for the song and its fans began to had a doubts on her activities in the life.

Beyonce continued to used her power and she forgot the risk if we found out her mental capacity.

She used her intelligence on the real life and the new increased rapidly but the name of this incredible person is unknown.

Shortly after, the powers of beyonce started to had the opposite effect, she doesn't arrived to controlled her power and she caused the death of her fans and other people.

In two thousand and and sixteen, she decided to redid a concert. The beginning is perfect she sang very well and the fans is in a trance, but towards the ends the problem with there power resurfaced, Beyonce pass out, when she woke up everybody’s is dead.

She understood that she killed everybody , Beyonce is blocked she can’t did reversing.

Shortly after, we heard at the tv that the mysterious killer is died n the fire. We don’t say how was caused this fire, is probably just the killer who knows…


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