- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Sports, Materials and Technology

TD : Sports, Materials and Technology. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Novembre 2019  •  TD  •  596 Mots (3 Pages)  •  387 Vues

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Sports, Materials and Technology.

Today materials like lycra, nylon and kevlar ( and many more )  are more and more present in sports and have revolutionized competitions.  Find some examples of use(s) for each material mentioned. You may find examples with different materials …

Nylon : fishing ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Lycra : sport clothes;


Kevlar :fighting sport ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Technology also plays a major role in sports, either to improve the safety, the performances of athletes or to set new records.:

How technology is changing football.

In this document, three examples of new technologies are developed. They are set in 3 different American states. Name the state, name the device which is used.



Nebraska football

Pills monitor for tempertaure


Red contact lense


Football simulation

Example n°1

What is the name of the device ? :

Pills monitor for tempertaure

Listen to Bill Callahan and find out the reasons for using it :

To protect player from the temperature because she can kill 

Now, how does it work ? Let’s focus on Doak Ostergard


Which adjective does he use ? ………………………………………………………………………

How do players react to this ? Listen to what Dan Todd has to say.


Finally what is the solution to the problem mentioned ? Listen to the voiceover.

Example n°2

What is the name of the device ? : Red contact lense

What are the advantages ?

They are not bothered by the sun

Listen to one of the players on the advantages and complete the sentences :

‘ I can …………out in the ……… I can ……….look at the sun, it doesn’t bother me at all, I barely squint

I ………..that ………… does give you an ………. If you have ………………..on’

Guess what the word ‘ barely ‘mean ? A peine

Example n°3

What is the name of the device ? Complex Football Simulation

What is/are the advantage(s) ?

Players can train with an AI that creates different strategies.

This way the player in real life will be able to react to any type of situation.

The Cheetah and Oscar Pistorius.

Before watching the video, what is a Cheetah ? What it it named after ?


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