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Résumé du film Never Let Me Go de Kazuo Ishiguro

Compte Rendu : Résumé du film Never Let Me Go de Kazuo Ishiguro. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Avril 2015  •  226 Mots (1 Pages)  •  1 648 Vues


the film « never let me go » is based on the best-selling novel by Kazuo Ishiguro. it was directed by mark Romanek. and it dates back from 2010. this movie tell the story of three young people who are clones in post war great Britain. they are condemned to become organ donors; and one day they learn about it. the narrator , a carer , is the last surviving main character because carers live longer than basic organ donors.through out the movie she talks about her life with her friends who died at a very young age. the universe depicted by the movie is a dystopia. because scientists use clones to achieve their goal, saving human lives. it’s a tragic story which warns viewers about the potential use of biotechnology.

lien avec la notion

this movie is really heart-wrenching, i choose it because it testifies of the stakes involved in the notion of progress. indeed, in this film, the director criticizes the drawbacks of scientific progress: cloning makes it possible to save lives, but at the expense of clones who are bound to death. they are bred to provide healthy organs; they are used just like objects regardless of their feelings. the film proves that scientific progress can lead to inhuman practices. the last scene of the movie reminds us how careful we should be about biotechnology.


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