- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Rapport Stage Anglais Compta

Mémoire : Rapport Stage Anglais Compta. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Mai 2013  •  222 Mots (1 Pages)  •  953 Vues


For my training period in BTS CGO. I performed two training periods in an accounting office JP KERMEL situated in PERIGUEUX. I had the opportunity in this accountant office to do several activities ans especially take care of customer's files. My tutor gave me invoices for every month. I had to code them, it consists in writting an account number near the amount without taxes and all taxes included before keyboarding it on computerized accounting software. Well obviously my tutor checked my work to see and tell me my mistakes to prevent new mistakes in the future and to continue my work on a correct basis.

When the invoices were written, I recorded the bank statement and I checked if bank balance corresponded to computer or the bank statement slip. I established the VAT declaration with the VAT of sale invoices minus the VAT of purchase invoices. The difference is the VAT to be paid by the customers. If it is negative, we must report it on the VAT of purchase of next month. Finally I balanced all customers and suppliers accounts with the payment written on the bank statement finding for every invoice the payment wich corresponds and so account. After that my tutor could do the factory balance for this financial year since he got all data to do it.


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