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Rapport D'étonnement

Mémoires Gratuits : Rapport D'étonnement. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  30 Avril 2014  •  905 Mots (4 Pages)  •  933 Vues

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In two thousand and twelve, New York counted over eight millions of inhabitants. Every year, New York welcomed over fifty-four millions visitors. I’m going to show four places mores knew. At first,

The Statue of Liberty: the emblem of New York

The Statue of Liberty represents a woman holding a torch of fire. It is almost ninety-three meters tall, one of the tallest statues ever built. The Statue of Liberty was a gift to the United States from the people of France. It was an expression of friendship and the global of liberty shared by the people of both countries. Since then, the Statue of Liberty has been a symbol of freedom for people all over the world. It’s an earning is expressed in the famous poem by Emma Lazarus that’s written on the statue’s base. Here is part of that poem : Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these , the homeless; tempest-tost to me. I lift lamp beside the golden door!

The Empire State Building: The tallest skyscraper in New York :

The empire state building is a big skyscraper situated in New York. It this three hundred and eighty one meters tall and has one hundred and two floors. It was the tallest building in the world for forty-four years and it was the tallest building of New York City since the terrorist attack in two thousand and one. The architect who designed is William L lamb and Harmon associates. The empire state building was built when many people were trying to make the most tallest building of the world. It was built in four hundred and ten years. The first president who lighted it was Herbert hoover on May first nineteen thirty-one. His construction began on March seventeenth nineteen thirty. It is located at the fifth and thirty-fourth avenue of New York. They are six thousand and five hundred windows. This building is not live because it’s dedicated to business and constrains many offices but it's also used as a tourist attraction. It’s not of the most visited monuments in New York its name comes from the nickname of New York City the empire state. We can see it in a lot of films and series such as King Kong or gossip girl. The empire state building shines the whole place of New York City because of this different light which is situated at the top. The colors of the lights change according to the events.

Central park, one of the most American park :

Central park is a huge park of four miles x one mile in the heart Manhattan. It is haven of peace in the midst of the jungle of New York. A road “the park drive” allows vehicles to go around it; however this road is frequently closed to allow pedestrians and cyclists to enjoy. Family activities couples, sports and cultural numbers are very important in the park. Ice skating and skiing in the winter, running, basketball, baseball, tennis swimming summer, etc... Every year central park offers a variety of performance such as plays concerts of musicals. The festival is knows as Shakespeare in the park. You can also attend an annual representation of the New York philharmonic orchestra as well as numerous concerts of varied style. There is now


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