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Présentation D'un Musée Sur L'Inde En Anglais

Compte Rendu : Présentation D'un Musée Sur L'Inde En Anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  3 Février 2014  •  227 Mots (1 Pages)  •  756 Vues

Introduction : India’s story is one of the grand epics of world history. Throughout thousands of years of great civilisations, invasions, the birth of religions and countless cataclysms, India has time and again proved itself to be, in the words of its first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, ‘a bundle of contradictions held together by strong but invisible threads’.

India is well know for its film industry, wich is based in Mumbai which is one of more important cities and it's often referred to as Bollywood. The country began as a major producer of movies in the 1930s. 50s and 60s considered as the ''Golden Age'' of Indian cinema. The 3rd May 2013, celebrate 100 years of cinema in India.

The movies made in Bollywood are usually in Hindi but the movies are too made in the languages Urdu and English. Urdu is a name of one of the languages which is spoken in South Asia. It is also an official language of India. Some movies are also made in one language. They are either done (ils sont soit) with subtitles, or by using several soundtracks. (bande sonore, musique de films : film music). Bollywood songs are called Hindi film songs or filmi songs.

Today the most famous actor and actress are Aishwarya Rai and Sharukh Khan. The fisrt Bollywood film is Rajah Haraschandra, created in 1913 by Dadasaheb Phalke.


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