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Processus de décision du consommateur (document en anglais)

Note de Recherches : Processus de décision du consommateur (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  26 Mars 2014  •  641 Mots (3 Pages)  •  843 Vues

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The consumer decision process appears like some of the remaining electronic goods, as it is a product that is expensive and need a deep research in order to make the right decision. We need to notice that the marketers have the power to influence the decision of the consumers. We will study their actions in the last point: promotion.

Before that, we will analyze each step of CDP a consumer - we will call “Ahmed” - will have to go through for getting a camera.

Need Recognition

Ahmed has already a camera. He could have been seduced by a TV spot advertisement about the new Canon® DSLR 550D, which would have increased his desired state, and put his degree of discrepancy above threshold, and trigger a need recognition. But no: he was not seduced enough to buy this - too expensive for him - camera.

Nevertheless, one week after, Ahmed’s little brother broke the current camera. This fact reduced Ahmed’s consumer actual state, and then put the degree of discrepancy above the threshold. A need was though recognized. Ahmed will have to look for information for choosing a camera

Search for information

Now that our friend knows that he needs a new camera, he has to relate to different sources of research. The first and automatic one is the internal search: the brain is scanning and retrieving knowledge stored in the memory. Ahmed remembered the advertisement of the Canon® DSLR 500D. As a camera is an expensive long-term investment, it requires a high involvement from the consumer. That is the reason why Ahmed decided to get information from the environment. He analyzed advertisements on the web, forums, specialized website everyday on his computer for 2 hours/day. He also bought some Cameras magazines and asked for the opinions of his friends and his uncle, who is a professional photographer.

Pre-purchase evaluation of alternatives

Ahmed has collected many external information from his environment and his memory. He will evaluate them to come up with a decision of which product to buy:

He has formed his consideration set, which means all the brands that he found: Canon, IXUS, Samsung, Nikon, and Sony. His first evaluation showed that he would more go for a high quality professional DSLR Camera, because he is planning to be a photographer like his uncle. For this reason, only Nikon, Canon and Sony are remaining in the consideration set. For evaluating each model of those brands, he needs to get a new process of evaluation, as it is a completely new product he is trying to get, he has actually no pre existing evaluation process on that field.

Ahmed wrote down a list of the principal criteria his future camera needs to have:

- High resolution

- Video recorder integrated

- Commodity for carrying

- Flexibility for extensions (Zooms, flash, lens)

- Affordable price

After a compensatory evaluation based on the weighted additive method: The product that contains most of those criteria is not the Canon 500D, as Ahmed thought, it is the


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