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Press Review

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Par   •  1 Janvier 2015  •  533 Mots (3 Pages)  •  609 Vues

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Press review

The first article was published on the 15th November 2014 in the newspaper the Telegraph.

It deals with the man who shot Bin Laden on the 2nd May 2011 and who disclosed some parts of the operation

Thanks to this article we can learn more about the progress of the mission, Robert O’Neil –who killed Ben Laden- and about how react the people, especially for SEAL’s member about the fact that Mr O’Neil reveals some details of the mission.

This article has a ton rather neutral.


The second article was published in the newspaper the guardian on the 28th November 2014.

It talks about the danger of extinction of the bum breathing turtle. Indeed this turtle in today considers as vulnerable specie that means that there is a high risk to be endangered. This turtle is well known for its mod of breath and lays about 13 eggs a year. Its vulnerability is due not only to the pollution of the water that empoison it when it searches food in water, but also to the constant attack of the birds upon their eggs.

This article gives us many details about this turtles but alarm us to try to don’t kill the specie and many others which are endangered.

I choose these two articles because I think there are two important news. The first because it talks about the death of one of the most dangerous man in the world of these last years. And the second because it shows us how we destroy the environment and it should make us take conscience of that.


I will tell you more about the first article.

We learn more about the man who shot Bin Laden, Robert O’Neil, he’s today a former SEAL and won 2 Silver and Bronze Stars. He also play a key role in the mission to helped Marcus Luttrell, the sole survivor of a four-man team attacked in 2005 while tracking a Taliban leader in Afghanistan and in 2009 to rescue the captain of the merchant ship Maersk Alabama, who was taken hostage by Somali pirates. That episode was featured in the Tom Hanks movie "Captain Phillips".

In an interview, he related the progress of the operation without disclosed secret information: After flying to the compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, assaulting the house and killing three men and a woman, some of the Seals reached the third floor. Mr O'Neill followed an unnamed point man into bin Laden's bedroom, he said, and the point man tackled two women, believing they had a bomb, in what O'Neill calls an incredibly selfless act.

"A few feet in front of me, on two feet, was Osama bin Laden," Mr O'Neill said. "I shot him three times in the head and I killed him."

However even if he tries to don’t disclose any componentising information, he put himself and his family endanger, and he has earned the enmity of some current and former Seals by violating their code of silence.

And he insisted he was careful to not divulge classified


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