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Oral Mythes Et héroes

Dissertation : Oral Mythes Et héroes. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  1 Juin 2015  •  591 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 999 Vues

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I’m going to talk about ‘‘Myths and Heroes’’. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or maybe a role model or an icon.

How can an ordinary person make the world a better place?

For answer this problematic, I have chosen Billie Holiday, Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama and Steve Jobs

First of all, Billie Holiday was considered one of the greatest jazz singer. She did not have an easy childhood. She was living in poverty, his mother was arrested for prostitution. That's when looking for a job in dance and she was not, she decided to spend a singing audition. Since it has not stopped. When she sings it expresses an incredible emotion. In 1939, Billie Holiday sing “Strange Fruit”. This song on racism is a discourse for dignity and justice. This music shows great Billie Holiday emotional power created for the first time at Cafe Society, Strange Fruit. It creates in the first interpretation great emotion in viewers. She wanted to sing this song because a family member was killed by a group of people who were killing only black people. The killers took off their victims hung them by the neck and threw their stones, and then set fire to their bodies.

Although, Nelson Mandela is a hero of the world. He was a South African politician and activist. He was made the first President of South Africa elected in a fully represented democratic election. He was the first black President of his country. Nelson Mandela advocated a peaceful opposition and the abolition of the laws of apartheid. The report of the American channel CNN shows the last honor for Nelson Mandela. People dance and sing funeral songs reserved for Nelson Mandela. All present people are moved in tears but happy finally which he can finally rest in peace. All have for him a profound feeling of gratitude for all that Mandela sacrificed for them and what he fought. The whole nation is united around Mandela and honor their rescuer, their hero.

Otherwise Barack Obama is a hero for black population in America. It's the first black President elected in the USA. He represents for the black population an example of sucess. In this speech, helping the Dreamers, President Obama gives the possibility of young people to make this dreams. The speech speaks of immigration problems in the USA and proposes their chance to all young people living on the US territory.

Steve Jobs is another example of hero. He was the founder of Apple and funded the IPhone. He died in 2011. His death became an inspiration for all people. In document, we saw different opinion of Steve Jobs. For a woman, Steve Jobs is a version of American Dreams because he's very successful. More, he craned to make technology better. He was an ordinary guys. Steve Jobs is a perfect example of the ideal of the American Dreams. He's a modern hero of the new technologic.

The Queen of England is a myth and hero. She represents the unity of the English Nation and on the Commonwealth.

To conclude, they are different heroes in the society and everybody admire a heroes. Everyone does different things that are wonderful, and it is thanks to these people that our society


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