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Oral Italien Immigrant

Dissertation : Oral Italien Immigrant. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  14 Mai 2015  •  431 Mots (2 Pages)  •  959 Vues

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The notionof power involves a basic division in a society between those whowield or exercise power and those who don't

- Power is a very broad term, it can be practice in different ways. por example the physical strength,is a power who allows the law of more stronger or the power of money who allows the corruption. A person dominates on anhaving control over others, in all situations.

- For understand the notion “places and forms of power” we are going to study the place of the university in our society.

- we will see why university is a seat off power. First of all, I will explain the power given to the individual and secondly the power granted by education.

- Today, the university in United Kingdom is very selective. Indeed, in 2010, there was many demonstrations in London.

- They demonstrated because the British government has decided to increase the tuition fees.

- The social hierarchies emerge because the entry is not possible for all.

- Emilie Adams and James Bartle, members of the Youth Parliament discussed (is better) about this question.

- Emilie Adams is against the rise of tuition fees, she states that the wealthiest students Have to obtain the best degrees. So she underlines rising of tuition fees will put aside under privileged students

- James Bartle defends the governmental project. From his point of view, the financial situation of the universities in the United Kingdom is at stake. Universities have to reduce their deficit. For James Bartle, students must accept to pay more expensive fees if tget want to be educated.

- Secondly, we can say that university gives a power to the young students.

- They can envisage freely their careers and becoming what they want to be in their future life.

- We studied the academic record of Crystal, an American students.

- It's a model of academic record who shows of the most talented can succeed with an hard working.

- Crystal was given scholarships but that was not enough so she had several add jobs with 3 part-time jobs.

- She worked up to 60 hours a week in order to pay her higher education.

- I think that the rise of tuition fees is a bad thing. The government closes the door to many students.

- Even for the government, there is a negative aspect because many students choose a less expansive alternative for continue their studies.

- They go in college or some of them leave the country, for example in Scotland, they are called the “fee refugees”.

- Also in France, university is inexpensive and all social classes can access at higher education. This system is more democratic than in England.

- To conclude, university is a seat of power because it gives strength(better in that case) of students who can choose freely their future life, studies(verb or noun) but


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