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Mythes Et héros

Mémoires Gratuits : Mythes Et héros. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  21 Mai 2015  •  328 Mots (2 Pages)  •  725 Vues

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Myths and Heroes

I am going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. First of all, I’m going to give the definition of a myth and a hero. A myth is a traditional story related to a country’s culture and history, is like a legend . A hero is someone who inspires people thanks to his noble qualities, is someone extraordinary who achieves great things.

If myths and heroes are present in many societies, they probably have different specificities depending on the cultures they are anchored in. By analyzing the term, myth and hero, we will try to answer the following question: if every society has its own heroes and myths but what are their purpose? Do they represent society's values and concerns?

To begin, Myths was founding whith urban myths like lochness monster for example.

Moreover, Myths and Heroes as factor of social cohesion with Amrican dream which represent a new start for people, The ad consist in excell is life thanks to the opportinities of America. This myth mean everything is possible in America you can have a big car, a big house and a lot of money. So you can realise everything.

Moreover, we find also the subversive heros with the Road trip in the American folklore; the movie Easy Riders (Dennis Hopper, 1969), On the road (novel from Jack Kerouac)

or also Heroes (or anti-heroes) fighting against the system to gain their freedom and to reach their aspirations.

Finally, there are The superhero in the American folklore

- we find for example Captain America as the model of American heroes fighting for the Good (american propaganda)

- Batman : the dark hero but struggling for justice

- Superman who the debut comics of Superman's fetches the record of 3.2 million of dollar at auction

To conclute, From the early 20th century, superheroes appeared and a mythology has been created like Marvel, DC Comics. Everyone is dreaming about becoming stronger, more powerful and famous. The American comics expresses these common aspirations.


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