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Mythes Et Héros Anglais

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Par   •  1 Mars 2015  •  755 Mots (4 Pages)  •  1 769 Vues

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I will talk about the notion of Myth and Heros. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or maybe a role model or an icon. We will see more specifically Mohandas Gandhi. We wonder in what way Gandhi is a hero? First of all we will see his fight for the rights of Indians in South Africa, and secondly his fight for the independence of India.

In the first place, we will talk about his fight for the rights of Indian in South Africa.

Indeed, in 1893, Gandhi was a lawyer, and he went to South Africa to work. At the beginning, Gandhi was well dress, with British clothes, because he did his study in London, he was wealthy, he respected the law, he was respectful of the British Empire. But an event will push him to take an important decision for the rest of his life. During his trip in train to join the city who he had to go for work, a white man protested to an officer and he ordered to Gandhi to go in the lower-class. However, Gandhi showed his first-class tickets and refused to move. So, the officer threw Gandhi off the train. He spent his night in the station, in the cold. That’s why, he decided to fight for the freedom, and the right of Indians. The next day, he was permitted to take a train, and he could resolve his case. Then, in a farewell party in his honor, he noticed an item about a bill which would deprive Indians of the right to vote for members of the legislative assembly. Therefore, he decided to stay and fight for the rights of Indians in South Africa. In order to gave to the Indians better conditions of life and work, Gandhi organised a lot of march or strike. But it was always in the non-violence. Indeed, Gandhi was against the violence, unlike the with African who used violence to stop them. Mohandas Gandhi past 20 years in South Africa to help the Indians. He changed a lot of things for them, and he was considered such as a leader and a saint.

Secondly, we will talk about his fight for the independence of India.

Gandhi give a part of his life to fight for the freedom of Indian. Once the Indians of South African found better life, he decided to go back in India in 1915. At this time, India was not independent, it belonged to the UK. Gandhi become the leader of the Indian National Congress, and he try to help the poor Indians, because the English government increase the tax and a majority of the population was really poor. Gandhi tried to learn to the Indians to have a political consciousness. He leads the Indians to fights against the English government but always with non-violence like to wear Indians clothes because he wanted to show they Indian identity and refused to conform to the British dress code . The British didn’t want to gave the independence to India, so they continued. For example, against the tax on the salt. Gandhi organised the Salt March. Thousands of Indians took a long march across the country up to the Ocean, because the salt comes from the Indians ocean, therefore it belongs to the indian people. There are no reason to have British taxes on it. With this march, Gandhi wanted to challenge the Empire and provoke it, expecting a reaction from his part. The British imprisoned 60.000 Indians after that. In 1931, Gandhi went to London, to


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