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Mean ends analysis, jeux videos

Analyse sectorielle : Mean ends analysis, jeux videos. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  14 Mars 2017  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  315 Mots (2 Pages)  •  443 Vues

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Esther Kern

Mean ends analysis : Xbox One


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The map

Values[pic 11][pic 12][pic 13][pic 14][pic 15]

Consequences[pic 16][pic 17][pic 18][pic 19][pic 20][pic 21][pic 22][pic 23][pic 24][pic 25][pic 26][pic 27][pic 28][pic 29][pic 30][pic 31][pic 32][pic 33][pic 34][pic 35][pic 36][pic 37][pic 38][pic 39][pic 40][pic 41][pic 42][pic 43]

Attributes[pic 44][pic 45][pic 46][pic 47][pic 48][pic 49][pic 50]

Xbox One enables the gamers to feel part of a community with the ability to play in network. With the star games as Fifa or GTA, gamers have subjects of conversations and can find common points.

As technology improves, the games become more immersive and realistic so the gamer spends more time playing and escaping from reality. With Xbox 1, gamers feel as if they were the heroes of action movies. As games become more realistic, they also become more challenging and technical so the gamers feel involved in the game and sometimes can get addicted to their Xbox.

According to the interviewee, Xbox One and PS4 are quite similar but the choice was made out of the knowledge of Microsoft products. The goal of the interviewee is to have fun and to enjoy a convivial experience with his friends and family while challenging himself. To choose which games to buy, the interviewee relies on WOM, specialized articles, big franchises and ads as buying a game is a difficult decision due to the price. The interviewee values games his friends own to be able to play with them and feel he is part of the group, even though the games they paly are not the funniest.


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