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Malls Begin

Recherche de Documents : Malls Begin. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Mars 2013  •  409 Mots (2 Pages)  •  576 Vues

Page 1 sur 2

Partie 1 :


Ce document traite de la légère reprise d'économie du secteur commercial des détaillants au dernier trimestre 2010 aux États-Unis.

En effet, l'entreprise REIS (recherche commerciale) montre que le taux d'inoccupation des centres commerciaux à diminué de 8,8 % à partir du troisième trimestre.

Les propriétaires pensent qu'un rebond plus important de cette économie dépend d'une confiance accrue des consommateurs et d'une augmentation de l'emploi.

Mais tandis que beaucoup prévoient ses même indicateurs de nouveau à la hausse, les détaillants sont, eux, toujours enclins à ouvrir des magasins tant que l'économie ne sera pas meilleur. En attestent les disparités de croissance entre des zones en hausse (New-York, nord du New-Jersey, Austin et Houston au Texas) et celles qui continuent toujours à plonger dans les abîmes de la crise économique. .


Partie 2 :


1. The advantages of malls and shopping centers are the concentration of many retailers; the customer  have a good time in general. He can: do her shopping, have lunch and just parade around the malls. However the disadvantages are the lots ofs people on the gallery for exemple. Everyone can go inside the malls and just have a look for a trendy pair of shoes or a jacket, and leave without buying.

The other types of outlets and channels  distribution where consumers can buy are numerous. Thanks to the newest technology, the customer can buy directly at home; buy on the Internet or Phone (like Tele-achat). Every day, around 20 %  retailers open a website.

2. First of all, what determines the confidence of consumer is good quality products and moderate prices. Even if the price is a little raised, the consumers will continu to buy goods if they are a good quality.

If they are essential for  everyday life (for example food), people will carry on buying them but they will make the competition play, especially in a period of recession.

In that case, sellers will pay attention not to sale bad quality goods, not to loose their consumers.

To boost the growth, the sellers have to create the need of the customers. It is what happened with mobile phones in the years of 2000’s. They persuaded each home that it had to possess one of these. In fact, the manufacturers managed to sell more than one phone in every home !

Thus, if the storekepers find out how to attract customers, people will buy goods that think of being indispensable to them and it will allow to the economic growth to progress.


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