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Les chocolats Valentino - synthèse en anglais

Compte Rendu : Les chocolats Valentino - synthèse en anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  3 Novembre 2014  •  254 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 776 Vues

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Today, Valentino's chocolatiers are making over 60 different quality chocolates, with respect for tradition and a passion for taste. Thousands of people are enjoying more than 300,000kg of Valentino chocolates, bars and figures every year. In addition to the all time favorites, Valentino specializes in new creations which have been recognized and prized all over the world. Each month, Valentino presents a new chocolate, based on an exclusive design or an original taste, using origin covertures from Ecuador, Togo or Sao Thomé. The assortment is completed by a wide variety of chocolate specialties such as mendicants, truffles, orangettes, cerisettes, chocolate bars, sugar free pralines, liquor pralines, easter eggs and figurines.

Valentino chocolates are sold in more than 60 exclusively chocolate shops within Belgium and are also exported to over 30 different countries throughout Europe and Asia.

Valentino is one of europe’s leading manufacturer of luxury chocolates and has won many international awards.For the past ten years valentino has expanded rapidly and now has almost 300 employees,75 company owned shops and a turnover of £90million but now last two years,sales have slowed down and the costs have risen due to this four main causes which are price cutting in the industry,production problems,a fall in demand and low staff morale.this has caused the company fall in profits,the owners of this company had set up £1.5million to solve this problem.we as the directors are here to solve this problem and we have chosen some of the options after a brief talk with all the directors to solve this problem.


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