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Les Aborigines (anglais)

Mémoire : Les Aborigines (anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Mai 2013  •  498 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 195 Vues

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Sydney , 26.01.11 . January 26 ,reffered to as « Australia Day » , marks the anniversary oh the colonization of Australia by Great Britain . To Aborigines , however , that day is known as « Invasion Day » or « Survival Day », and it signifies the destruction of the native Aboriginal culture by English colonists and the continuing struggle for survival , justice ans equality of rights by Aboriginal people . That is why thousand of Aborigines took tothe streets of Sydney today.

The Aborigines are composed of many tribes, the Australians in 1788 was inhabit by 250 tribes each had their own language .

In 1770, James Cook charted the East Coast of Australia for Britain and returned with accounts favouring colonisation at Botany Bay New South Wales. A First Fleet of British ships arrived at Botany Bay in January 1788 to establish a penal colony. Two-thirds of australia was colonized by the British. In the century that followed, the British established other colonies on the continent, and European explorers ventured into its interior . The Indigenous Australians were greatly weakened and their numbers diminished by introduced diseases and conflict with the colonists during this period. This is the beginning of many years of hell to Aborigines.

The reactions of the aborigines to the sudden arrival of collons British were varied , but inevitably hostile when the presence of the setters general competition for vital natural ressources and occupation by the British of Aboriginal land. The main conqueror of aborigines was sick of European diseases and European diseases killed aboriginal people in large numbers . Henry Reynolds said that aboriginal resistance continued for well over a century , belying the myth of a peaceful colonisation of Australia . On 26 January and the date of arrival of the first fleet of setters in 1788. All children wore the flag of the nation in this day, it's « Australia Day » the national holiday day , differently called « survival Day » by the aboriginals wich sadly celebrate the day of the invasion of their ground by English in 1788. On this occasion is held , in parallel of the festivities « has Australian » demonstrations of supporfor the natives .

The aboriginal flag is one of the official "Flags of Australia", and holds special legal and political status, but it is not the "Australian National Flag". It was designed in 1971 by Aboriginal artist Harold Thomas, who is descended from the people of Central Australia. The flag was originally designed for the land rights movement, and it became a symbol of the Aboriginal people of Australia.

The aboriginal flag has a meaning and is composed 3 colors , the black symbolizes the skin color of Aboriginal people of Australia , the red represents Represents the red earth, the red ochre and a spiritual relation to the land and the yellow that of the Sun,the giver of life and protector.


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