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Le traité de l'union européenne

Mémoires Gratuits : Le traité de l'union européenne. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  3 Janvier 2015  •  259 Mots (2 Pages)  •  618 Vues

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Of course the UK can leave the united kingdom .

In 2009 the lisbon's traity has instaured one point indeed this traity give the rights of any member of european union to leave it .

. It's refer to the article50 in the traity of european union . this is an extract of the traity :

"All mem2ber can decided according to his constitutional rules to retire himself of the union "

If the british decid to get out of the union they must do exactly this :

- Say the new to european coucil and him present some modality to end up at one agreement of the exit . And after this agreement must be accepted by the majority of the sates and the council in the name of european union grants the exit but just after the approvation by the european parliament .

In 1975, 2 years after the united kigndom's enter in union they were an ask to exit the union and they were a vote . As you know the united kingdom is again inside the union so you can guess that the result of the vote was negatif in fact 67 pourcent was to stay in the union .

2 remark :

For all decision for some changement in the union they must be have everytime the majority of member state who are agree .

About this action to exit of the european union : All the country after have leaved the union can answer to become again.


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