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Le concept de communication dans mon diplôme de travail

Commentaire de texte : Le concept de communication dans mon diplôme de travail. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  18 Septembre 2013  •  Commentaire de texte  •  237 Mots (1 Pages)  •  874 Vues

Background :

My theme is the communication in reanimation and my question of tempory departure is : In what does no feedbak with a patient who is intubed, ventilated, sedated impact on the nurse’s communication influences the relation betwenn a nurse and patient.

Methods :

I choose to treat as principal concept the communication in my working graduation. For me the communication is the foundation our pofession. We communicate with all yhe people who take care. During my research, attributs are shore mu concept. Like the verbal communication with no feedback. The communication no verbal with the touch. To support theoretical I interviewed two nurses and two nurses’aides. I recorded the interviews with the consent of the persons does’nt forget information.


Further to my interviews it stood out that the nurses don’t feel the absence of the feed-back. They also specified me that the family is very important with in the care of the patient. It’s important to communicate with her as much as with the patient. It’s what brought me to ask my definitive question of departure: In what does the communication with the family, in intensive care unit, influence the nursing care of a been ptient venilated, sedated and intubed?

Of this question went out my hypothesis: the nurse more easily communicates with a patient sedated, ventilate and intubed, if the family of this one is present.

Key words: communication, family, reanimation or in intensive care unit

Words: 240


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