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Le 11 septembre 2001

Compte rendu : Le 11 septembre 2001. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  24 Septembre 2022  •  Compte rendu  •  1 255 Mots (6 Pages)  •  174 Vues

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The 11 september 2001, in the morning,19 terrorists of Al Qaida hijack 4 planes. Two planes collide the most famous skyscrapers of New York, The twins Tower. At first a plane hit one of the tower of the WTC after this crash a second plane had hit the other tower. Just before the fourth plane crashed into a field near Pittsburgh, the Pentagone had burned due to a plane which touched it. Meanwhile the tower which had been touched in first crumbled and the second tower did the same.

 Here is the testimony of a survivor of September 11 :

Her name is Emma she is thirty years old she worked in the WTC she is a survivor of the tragedy of the WTC and she told us her story :

This morning Emma was in her office on the 5th floor of the north tower she was having a cup of coffe when she heard a very violent shock. At first she didn’t realize the extent of the drama but she saw the firefighters and people rushing towards the exit so she followed them when she was getting out she saw the second plane hit the other tower. Afterwards she joined the firefighters then she called her relatives to reassure them

The 11 september 2001, in the morning,19 terrorists of Al Qaida hijack 4 planes. Two planes collide the most famous skyscrapers of New York, The twins Tower. At first a plane hit one of the tower of the WTC after this crash a second plane had hit the other tower. Just before the fourth plane crashed into a field near Pittsburgh, the Pentagone had burned due to a plane which touched it. Meanwhile the tower which had been touched in first crumbled and the second tower did the same.

 Here is the testimony of a survivor of September 11 :

Her name is Emma she is thirty years old she worked in the WTC she is a survivor of the tragedy of the WTC and she told us her story :

This morning Emma was in her office on the 5th floor of the north tower she was having a cup of coffe when she heard a very violent shock. At first she didn’t realize the extent of the drama but she saw the firefighters and people rushing towards the exit so she followed them when she was getting out she saw the second plane hit the other tower. Afterwards she joined the firefighters then she called her relatives to reassure them

The 11 september 2001, in the morning,19 terrorists of Al Qaida hijack 4 planes. Two planes collide the most famous skyscrapers of New York, The twins Tower. At first a plane hit one of the tower of the WTC after this crash a second plane had hit the other tower. Just before the fourth plane crashed into a field near Pittsburgh, the Pentagone had burned due to a plane which touched it. Meanwhile the tower which had been touched in first crumbled and the second tower did the same.

 Here is the testimony of a survivor of September 11 :

Her name is Emma she is thirty years old she worked in the WTC she is a survivor of the tragedy of the WTC and she told us her story :

This morning Emma was in her office on the 5th floor of the north tower she was having a cup of coffe when she heard a very violent shock. At first she didn’t realize the extent of the drama but she saw the firefighters and people rushing towards the exit so she followed them when she was getting out she saw the second plane hit the other tower. Afterwards she joined the firefighters then she called her relatives to reassure them

The 11 september 2001, in the morning,19 terrorists of Al Qaida hijack 4 planes. Two planes collide the most famous skyscrapers of New York, The twins Tower. At first a plane hit one of the tower of the WTC after this crash a second plane had hit the other tower. Just before the fourth plane crashed into a field near Pittsburgh, the Pentagone had burned due to a plane which touched it. Meanwhile the tower which had been touched in first crumbled and the second tower did the same.

 Here is the testimony of a survivor of September 11 :


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