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La place de l'alimentation dans le portefeuille (étude en anglais)

Mémoire : La place de l'alimentation dans le portefeuille (étude en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  28 Octobre 2013  •  1 365 Mots (6 Pages)  •  589 Vues

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1) Opening

 Differents food (foodstuffs)

 Example: people from the lower classes don’t eat the same food as people from the upper classes.

 They don’t have the same buying, purchasing power.

 Social gap, ex: organic usually more expansive.

What do you usually eat?

I often eat fruits and vegetables but I sometimes eat meat, fish or other proteins.

Occasionally, I eat breads, grains and other starches. Very rarely, I eat fats, oils and sweets.

Speak about good or bad food, healthy or unhealthy diets...

Good food Bad food

Organic food

Homemade food








healthy Junk food

(crisps, chocolate bars, sweets)

Fast food meals = burgers, chips and sodas

Fried food

Packaged food


Unhealthy, sweet

Greasy, fat, fattening

Too rich


You should eat poultry (chicken and turkey) rather than meat.

You should eat vegetables, fruit on a regular basis.

You should avoid fattening food and fried food.

Speak about one’s eating habits: I generally have cereals and coffee for breakfast. I like burgers and

Chips, I go to a fast-food restaurant twice a week.

METHODOLOGY/ QUANTIFIERS: Much, many, a lot of, little and few

We use much and little with uncountable nouns:

Much time / much luck / little energy / little money/

We use many, few or several with plural nouns:

Many friends / many people / few cars / few countries

We use much/many especially in negative sentences and questions. A lot (of) is also possible:

• We didn't spend much money, (or we didn't spend a lot of money.)

• Do you know many people? (Or do you know a lot of people?)

• I don't go out much, (or I don't go out a lot.)

In positive sentences a lot (of) is more usual. Much is unusual in positive sentences in spoken English:

• We spent a lot of money, (not 'we spent much money')

• He goes out a lot. (Not' He goes out much')

You can use many in positive sentences, but a lot (of) is more usual in spoken English:

• A lot of people (or many people) drive too fast.

But note that we use too much and so much in positive sentences:

• We spent too much money.

Little and few (without 'a') are negative ideas (=not much / not many):

• We must be quick. There is little time. (=not much, not enough time)

• He isn't popular. He has few friends. (=not many, not enough friends)

You can say very little and very few:

• There is very little time.

• He has very few friends.



Hungry Planet is a new book written by Faith D’alusio and Peter Menzel took photos to illustrate the book. They travelled in twenty-four countries where they met 30 families to show what they eat, what and how they cook.

They went shopping with them; they cooked, ate and farmed with these families.

Each chapter shows a family portrait, it focuses on what they eat and the food that they buy in a week.

They want to show the differences between various countries: what people eat in rich countries and poor countries. Globalisation and migration are affecting our eating habits.

For example, “An Americanisation of eating habits in the world” or “The influence of the US in the world”.

Hungry Planet est un nouveau livre écrit par F.D. et PM a pris des photos pour illustrer le livre. Ils ont voyagé dans 24 pays où ils ont rencontré 30 familles pour montrer ce qu’elles mangent, et comment elles cuisinent.

Ils ont fait les


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