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La durabilité se vend-elle mieux que la désirabilité? (document en anglais)

Documents Gratuits : La durabilité se vend-elle mieux que la désirabilité? (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  7 Décembre 2012  •  249 Mots (1 Pages)  •  841 Vues

Desirability refers to the quality of being worthy of desiring whereas sustainability is the capacity to endure and obviously fashion confronts both of them nowadays through aligning sustainable business strategy with brand strategy. Thus, it is necessary to wonder if the former sells better than the latter.

Sustainability is rapidly being adopted as a key tool in business strategy to create new, innovative best business practices. These efforts are actually used to strengthen a brand’s value and generate customer loyalty and, like the digital revolution, sustainability is here to stay.

What desirability and sustainability have in common is the ability to influence behavior. As much as Dior is able to create desirability by creating sleek, simple products consumers line up to buy, so can sustainability help influence buying one product or service over another based on the perception of how “good” a company is or is trying to become. Sustainability is increasingly influencing brand image and consumer perception of businesses whether the consumer is the general public or a business-to-business consumer. Sustainability looks at internal drivers such as cost reduction, risk management, increased top line, sales, performance and creating corporate culture. This is how sustainability adds brand value.

While the eco-fashion movement is rapidly growing in popularity amongst consumers- and it seems that celebrities are leading the way in supporting the cause- the worry expressed by some is that eco-fashion will become another fashion fad that comes and goes. But still, the desirability plays a major role in the consumers’ behavior.


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