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Exposé en anglais slumdog millionaire

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Slumdog Millionnaire -  Exposé

I will start by telling you about the summary of the film.

Jamal Malik is the hero of Slumdog Millionaire. He was born in the slums of Mumbai in India. Orphan, he finds delivered to himself with his brother Salim. He crosses the road of a little girl - Latika - which he falls in love with. Fifteen years later, he decides to participate in the biggest show in the country "Who wants to earn millions". His goal is to find Latika which he has lost track of. Jamal arrives at the last question, which is worth 20 million rupees. The game is known to be very difficult. This is why Jamal is arrested by the police: he is suspected of having cheated. Indeed, one wonders how a child born in the slums could answer all the questions.

Now, I will analyze the construction of the film.

First, the film depicts a violent and unfair society.

The film starts in Mumbai. Policemen interrogate Jamal and torture him: they hit him, they put his head in a bucket of water, they electrocute him. He is suspected of cheating to get rich. During a flashback, we see Jamal and his brother pursued by the police.

Then, the film tells the story of young people who are left to fend for themselves. It is a dense journey that will allow the hero to leave absolute poverty. We see him sell the autograph of the biggest Indian movie star visiting the slum. Jamal also becomes a guide to the Taj Mahal for English-speaking tourists. He takes the opportunity to steal shoes and wallets. Then we are facing two sides of India. India violent people who have power. They are represented by the character of Salim who works for a bandit. Then India of those who want to progress in the social hierarchy. They are represented by Jamal who is a server in a call center.

Finally, the film concludes with a new Indian middle class, the one watching the show in front of the television. The conflict between the two brothers is arranged. Indeed, Salim helps Latika to join Jamal. The latter manages to convince the police of his innocence. She releases him and he wins the show. He becomes a symbol for the whole Indian population. The film follows a happy-ending: Jamal and Latika meet at the Mumbai station.

Finally, I will make the connection between fiction and reality.

The film is not adapted from a true story. He is inspired by an Indian novel "The fabulous adventures of a hapless Indian who became a billionaire" by Vikas Swarup. Thus it is a fiction, which is based on a reality: many attempts at fraud are listed. In addition, life has caught up with the imagination of screenwriters. Slumdog Millionaire is coming out in 2009. In 2011, Sushil Kumar is the first winner of this game deemed impossible. The irony is that the latter is a modest computer secretary from a very poor Indian province.


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