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Exemple lettre anglais

Lettre type : Exemple lettre anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  17 Décembre 2018  •  Lettre type  •  250 Mots (1 Pages)  •  593 Vues

 Victor Hugo High

Friday, 9th february 2018

Dear Mrs Appleton,

We hope you are doing well, thank you for sharing your experience with us about World War 2.

We would like to introduce ourselves. We are a group of four students, our names are Lucas, Adrian, Abdelmalik and Corentin. We are all fifteen-year-lod boys. We are in the same class at Victor Hugo High. Thanks to you we are going to be able to improuve our knowledge, it’s a good thing people like you exist, otherwise we could not inderstand English History .

We would like you to speak to us about the evacuation which you lived.

We would like to ask you a few questions about your experience during the second World War.

First, How long was your journey to the countryside ? Second, Where did you host live ? Third, How hard was it for your parents to let you go ? The answers that you go to bring us are going to be us very useful to understand the history of your civilization.

We are interested in the evacuation because this one was hard for thos who lived this moment and it affects us. It is privilege for us to communicate with people that lived this hard event.

Thanks again for sharing your experience of your civilization with us , you make us an enormous service and we thank you for the time which you grant us. I am looking forward to hearing from, I hope to be hearing from you soon.

Best wishes.:)


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