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Espaces et échanges (document en anglais): Combien d'échanges sont importants? Quels espaces sont utilisés pour de tels échanges?

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Par   •  24 Juin 2013  •  873 Mots (4 Pages)  •  2 030 Vues

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Exchange : the act of giving and receiving something else in return.

Space : Places, Areas or surface assigned to a particular activity.

How much exchanges are important? Which spaces are used for such exchanges?

Urban spaces and exchanges are shaped by ongoing transformation of the world. At first we will see the trade in our world, in a second part the communication and to conclude we will talk about people which travel around the world.

1. Trade:

The economy is increasingly globalised. Money is extremely important for everyone because we can do what we want and we can feel safe.

Trade : the basis of all societies. There are international marketplaces, which favor the exchanges between different countries.

Globalization : global cities (London, Tokyo, NY, PARIS) : leaders in the world economy, playing the role of communication hubs (for example) what presents a big diversity of transport. These attractive countries are magnets for foreigners and nationals. The tourism is very important in these countries, and some of them make their most part of money thanks to the tourism. However, there is a price to pay, there is generally a lack of freedom and creativity. And the environment in these cities is often polluted because of all the transports.

The consumption favors exchanges between areas of the world. Indeed (for example), when we buy a new car, it may come from Japan.

The mass production thanks to the improvement of the machines has involved a mass consumption.

Over the past few years, the modes of consumption have greatly evolved: the development of the Internet has opened up new prospects with online shopping, which make daily life easier.

For example, Mega Monday is the busiest internet shopping day of the year. This is before Christmas, and every second, 30 items are bought.

However, people realize more and more the excesses of this consumption.

« too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like » (= useless purchases) (Will Rogers, acteur américain 20e s)

Black Friday : the busiest shopping day, 1 day after Thanksgiving, big mess in the stores, pp are like animals, with a wild behavior, they are frenzy, the crowd rushes to the stores.

We have studied a document which related what happened in a store one black Friday. A mob of frenzied shoppers has trampled an employee to death, and hurt a eight-month pregnant woman. (=excess)

Further these excesses and because of the economic crisis, there are alternative buying. We have studied several documents about this new types of consumption : bartering, sharing, fair trade, recycling, buy nothing day, reduce expenses and consume less.

2. Communication:

Thanks to the new technologies, life is easier, and everything is fast. The Media are extremely present in our life. Almost everybody has a TV or a radio at home. This is very practice. And thanks to these, we can have a vision about


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