- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Description de tâches (document en anglais)

Mémoire : Description de tâches (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Mars 2015  •  267 Mots (2 Pages)  •  765 Vues

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Currently, I’m an expatriate on Prague. I’m looking for the best work regarding my skills.

I like to work in different field. The most important for me is serving the stakeholders thanks management and technical methods. I like challenges like increase the efficiency and solve problems. Thus, my schooling has so far served its purpose in allowing me to integrate and to implement varied and useful knowledge to reflect on problem solving. Work in an international enterprise is a good challenge for me.

I learned lot of about industrial concepts, I have an Advanced Vocational Diploma in Physical Techniques, allowed me to develop the skills based on structured design, as well as methods analysis lead me to solve complex problems (Mechanics Thermodynamics, Fluid).

During my bachelor and master, I worked in sandwich class, leading me to assume management. I developed skills in project management and teamwork.

I have also a two-year-experience in SNCF' company. During these years, I have come across issues of management, how to federate the agents to the topic of sustainable development. I developed care attitute, how can I help agents inside the enterprise and increase quality work life. Always listened the people to know whats they are expecting.

And now on Prague, I sell gaz. I developed my sense of negotiation and customers care. Help the enterprise to have the best service and reslve their problems.

With my skill I can serve your enterprise. Listen the customer to help her with the most efficient method.

Please find my CV enclosed. I look forward to hearing from you soon and please feel free to contact me for any further information.


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