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Britain’s stereotypes.

Analyse sectorielle : Britain’s stereotypes.. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  17 Janvier 2018  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  1 087 Mots (5 Pages)  •  370 Vues

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From : XXXXX.

Subject : Britain’s stereotypes.


It is a pleasure to write you this email where I would like to share with you my opinion about the Britain stereotypes. They all have a ‘British accent’

“There is no such thing as a British Accent but there are accents and dialects. People from the South sound completely different from people from the North.” They love the Royal Family

“There are quite a few Brits who either outright dislike the concept (if not he family itself), or don't particularly care for it. They bring in a lot of tourist money and occasionally there's a day off for something or the other so tolerance and tempered appreciation wins out.” British people are rude

“Particularly in London. Unless you stand on the left hand side of the escalator on the Tube; then you're in for a lot of rudeness.” They are permanently wet

“While there is no 'dry' season, the average rainfall during our rainy months is in fact lower than the European rainy season average.  Greece has as much rain as us in its rainy season.”


From : XXXXX.

Subject : Britain’s stereotypes.


It is a pleasure to write you this email where I would like to share with you my opinion about the Britain stereotypes. They all have a ‘British accent’

“There is no such thing as a British Accent but there are accents and dialects. People from the South sound completely different from people from the North.” They love the Royal Family

“There are quite a few Brits who either outright dislike the concept (if not he family itself), or don't particularly care for it. They bring in a lot of tourist money and occasionally there's a day off for something or the other so tolerance and tempered appreciation wins out.” British people are rude

“Particularly in London. Unless you stand on the left hand side of the escalator on the Tube; then you're in for a lot of rudeness.” They are permanently wet

“While there is no 'dry' season, the average rainfall during our rainy months is in fact lower than the European rainy season average.  Greece has as much rain as us in its rainy season.”


From : XXXXX.

Subject : Britain’s stereotypes.


It is a pleasure to write you this email where I would like to share with you my opinion about the Britain stereotypes. They all have a ‘British accent’

“There is no such thing as a British Accent but there are accents and dialects. People from the South sound completely different from people from the North.” They love the Royal Family

“There are quite a few Brits who either outright dislike the concept (if not he family itself), or don't particularly care for it. They bring in a lot of tourist money and occasionally there's a day off for something or the other so tolerance and tempered appreciation wins out.” British people are rude

“Particularly in London. Unless you stand on the left hand side of the escalator on the Tube; then you're in for a lot of rudeness.” They are permanently wet

“While there is no 'dry' season, the average rainfall during our rainy months is in fact lower than the European rainy season average.  Greece has as much rain as us in its rainy season.”


From : XXXXX.

Subject : Britain’s stereotypes.


It is a pleasure to write you this email where I would like to share with you my opinion about the Britain stereotypes. They all have a ‘British accent’

“There is no such thing as a British Accent but there are accents and dialects. People from the South sound completely different from people from the North.” They love the Royal Family

“There are quite a few Brits who either outright dislike the concept (if not he family itself), or don't particularly care for it. They bring in a lot of tourist money and occasionally there's a day off for something or the other so tolerance and tempered appreciation wins out.” British people are rude


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