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Brick and Mortar VS online shopping

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Par   •  25 Avril 2020  •  Compte rendu  •  312 Mots (2 Pages)  •  511 Vues

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This document is a news report from CBS News published on 20 November 2017.

It’s about traditional stores are inventing creative news ways to attract customers into stores.

Firstly, I will focus on the situation of traditional stores.

Secondly, I’m going to talk about on influence customers to shop online shopping.

Finally, I will focus on there are risks.

First part, retailers need sales during the year like Black Friday to help their profits grow.

Brick and Mortar stores are finding new ways to survive the changing retail environment.

Second part, traditional retailers create new shopping experiences.

We can see 3 examples of traditional retailers:

The first example, Eddie Bauer Stores in Ohio in USA, he constructed an icebox for customers to try on cold weather clothes. In addition, it cannot be done online. It's a new way to test clothes and it entices customers to the stores.

The second example, Saks Stores in New York, he constructed a fitness center, it’s a pop-up store.

It is a part of the shopping experience in the store and not available online.

As well, the last example is Macy’s Stores in New York, partner with Samsung and uses virtual reality experience to get shoppers into the stores.

Last part, there are risks for Brick and Mortar Stores,

For example, innovative efforts to persuade customers into the stores can be uncertain.

Customers can see that it is just a gimmick.

Customers can come to see the new experience one time but not come back again.

However, traditional stores and malls will close in the next 5 years and it is urgent to create efforts to attract customers into the stores and offline.

To conclude, I think that the new generations prefer to buy online because there is more choice and it’s much cheaper. In addition, innovation is very expensive for retailers. Physical stores must constantly innovate or they will probably fail because people get tired if there is no novelty.


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