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Par   •  28 Novembre 2017  •  TD  •  623 Mots (3 Pages)  •  592 Vues

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Smartphones at the wheel ; Disconnect !

Let us raise awareness, smartphones are a risky addiction while driving.

By Hilary Alexander

14 OCTOBER 2017 . 18:14PM

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                            istracted driving is involved in more than 200 000 vehicle crashes each year, often involving       injuries and death. In 2015, it was identified 2100 accidents were caused by drivers using a mobile phone including 22 fatal accidents.

Many accidents are still related to inappropriate behavior as the alcohol consumption (27%), the overtaking of the authorized speeds (79%) or the tiredness (75%) but the appearance of smartphones is a new risk factor. Every second young person recognizes to use it to send or read messages, or to make and receive calls, while driving. In Great-Britain, a study reported that over 90% of college students surveyed text while driving. But the problem is by no means limited to young drivers. Among those aged 30 to 44, over three quarters of respondents admitted that they use their phones at least some of the time while driving. This also was true for the majority of those aged 45 to 59. Even among the age group over 60, a third of drivers use their smartphones at the wheel. Everyone is affected !

This widespread phenomen is caused by the addiction to the digital technology, and specifically to smartphones. The trend to the hyperconnection causes the trivialization of the utilisation of the smartphone while the risk of accidents is especially connected to the loss of attention. The usage of mobile phones while driving is as much risked as to discuss with passengers, and it is considered to be an offence. Indeed, in France, the fine could be as much as 135€ and that could take up to three penalty points to the driving licence. In the United Kingdom, motorists who are caught using a hand-held phone while driving will have three penalty points added to their license in addition to the fine of £60.

The use of cellular phones while driving is so much regulated because of the sort of toll it can take, the sort of death toll. The risk is maximal when the driver picks up his smartphone, often in the urgency. The attention is not anymore focused on the driving and that modifies the behaviour and the capacity to react. The vehicle tends to slow down slightly and to zigzag until the accident wich can arrive faster than we think. The consequences are serious ans should not be overlooked. Lives are on the line. Think how you would feel if you were responsible for causing an accident because your phone had distracted you. Put it away, save lives.

There are easy rules to respect for the greater good :

  • Ban the use of the smartphone by driving
  • Put out his smartphone before take the wheel
  • Confide his smartphone to a passenger to let him answer instead of the driver
  • To stop in an appropriate place to telephone or to listen to their messages, but never in a dangerous place, such as the hard shoulder of a motorway
  • In case of failure or witness of an accident, to stop in a secured place to call for help (112, the european emergency telephone number)

Consider the consequences if you got caught using a handheld phone at the wheel ; the embarrassment, the fact you might even lose your licence, and the impact that would have on your life, on the lives of your family, that of your close friends and on other people's lives. One moves can be decisive. Make good decisions.


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