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The Kennedys

Dissertation : The Kennedys. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  16 Avril 2014  •  443 Mots (2 Pages)  •  645 Vues

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In terms of pop culture, nobody rivals the Kennedys. The wealth, glamor and photogenic quality of this family, as well as their extensive involvement in public service, has elevated them to iconic status. They are sometimes even referred to as “America's Royal Family”. For decades, America has been fascinated by their story, filled with triumph and tragedy.

The Kennedy Style

JFK used his assets – his youth, charm and good looks – to his advantage. His rise to political power coincided with that of the television, which suited his good looks and charming demeanor. The way the Kennedy's looked captured everybody's attention, as did their style. Before starting his career as a politician, JFK sought to emulate the star power of celebrities. For two months, he lived in Hollywood and spent time with some of the biggest film stars. He wanted to understand what made these men not just actors, but movie stars. Once elected to office, Kennedy's team sought to promote the glamor of Hollywood. His election brought a new, youthful spirit to the White House.

Kennedy's wife, Jacqueline, also promoted the family's glamorous image and soon became a fashion icon. The public was captivated by her simple approach to clothing and beauty. She made little black dresses, big sunglasses and silk scarves popular. The pink Chanel suit and matching pillbox hat she was wearing when her husband was assassinated will be forever associated with that day and are one of the lasting images of the 1960s, as is her poise in the days following the tragedy.

Public Service and Philanthropy

The Kennedys have long been dedicated to public service and philanthropy. JFK once said, “If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.” From an early age, the Kennedy children were instilled with a notion of a wider world and the responsibilities that come with it. JFK opened the opportunity of service up to the public by establishing the Peace Corps. The youngest Kennedy brother, Ted, spent 47 years in political service, advocating civil rights legislation, healthcare reform, energy conservation and education. JFK's sister, Eunice, fought for equality of the mentally disabled and helped found the Special Olympics.


The Kennedy family has suffered many tragedies, which some refer to as “the Kennedy curse”. Some examples include the assassination of both JFK and his brother Bobby in the 1960s, the death of JFK Jr. and his wife in a plane crash, and the Chappaquiddick incident involving JFK's youngest brother, Ted, who accidentally drove his car off a bridge, killing his female passenger. These incidents have kept the family in the public eye and added to their intrigue.


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