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Rosa parks

Chronologie : Rosa parks. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  6 Mai 2019  •  Chronologie  •  448 Mots (2 Pages)  •  664 Vues

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Rosa parks was born on February 4th 1913 in Tuskegee in Alabama and she was died on October 24 2005 in Detroit in Michigan

she was an afro American who become an emblematic figure of the fight against racial segregation in United States

In December 1932 she married Raymond Parks, a civil rights activist and member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

In the 1930s, she attended meetings of the Communist Party of the United States of America, then the only political party in Alabama to openly oppose segregation.

Rosa Parks worked as a seamstress from 1930 to 1955, but she also has various other trades as nurse.

In December 1943, she became a member of the American Civil Rights Movement and worked as a secretary in Montgomery for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People chaired by Edgar Nixon.

On her role in the association, she says, "I was the only woman out there, and they needed a secretary, and I was too shy to say no."

She held this position until 1957 when she left the town of Montgomery.

Like many other African-Americans, she was shocked by the savage murder of Emmett Till in August 1955. On November 27, 1955 (four days before she refused to give up her seat.

She became popular the December first 1955 in Montgomery in Alabama because she refuses to give way it’s place has a white passenger in the bus

She was stopped by the police with a fine of 15 dollars

A men MLK with Ralph Abernathy launches a campaign of protestation and a boycott of the bus company which will last 380 days after that the supreme court of the united states broke the right about segregation in the bus

In 1979, the NAACP awarded her the Spingarn Medal, her highest honor, and she received the Martin Luther King Sr. Award the following year.

In 1990, the Kennedy Center in Washington, at its seventy-seventh anniversary, awarded him an award.

She was awarded the Prize in 1994 in Stockholm, Sweden, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest honor conferred by the US executive in 1996, by Bill Clinton.

In 1997, the Published Act no.28 decreed the first Monday - after February 4 - as a holiday in the state of Michigan would be the first time a living person would ever know in his honor.

In 1992, she published a children's book, Rosa Parks. My Story, a timeline explaining her life until she refused to give up her seat. This book was followed by his memoirs Quiet Strength.

and she received a lot of other prizes and praise because it is a woman who has risen for these beliefs by stay sitting down.


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