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Que peuvent faire les gestionnaires pour tirer le meilleur parti de leurs employés ?

Analyse sectorielle : Que peuvent faire les gestionnaires pour tirer le meilleur parti de leurs employés ?. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  22 Janvier 2014  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  803 Mots (4 Pages)  •  773 Vues

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What things can managers do to get the most from their staff ?

What typical mistakes do managers make when managing staff ?

I would like to start by introducing myself, my name is Stéphane and I am twenty one year-old and last year I was in Australia for 8 months, where i work 6 months in Sydney.

The purpose of this presentation today is to do a comparaison between a good manager and a bad manager in Sydney in cattering industry.

So let me begin by giving you an outline of my talk today. First of all i will give you a short presentation of the city of Sydney, a cosmopolitan city. Then I will use my own experiences to give you an exemple of good points and bad points in management. And finally I will use these experiences to try to find the good way to manage a restaurant in Sydney.

So let's start by Sydney. The specificity of Sydney is that it is a huge cosmopolitan city. It means that you can find plenty of different cultures as Asian, Italian, English etc. Sydney is one of the biggest city in Australia, it means that for travellers it is a primary stop for the airport, culture, lifestyle, work and more. If you're looking for a job, Sydney is great. With plenty of restaurant and café it is easy to find. But the problem for a manager is to deal with this melting pot of culture. In matter of fact, in the second restaurant I worked in, only 2 natives australians on 20 peoples. Even the owners where Greek. The advantage of travellers is the price. They are really cheap compare to australian people. But the disavantage is that you have to deal with different culture for a short time. So how can you manage travellers who only wants more money to travel more. You already know that they will not stay for a long time.

So, to move on let's talk about my different experiences as a traveller in sydney :

The first one was a café and a snack. I was pretty much a Sandwich-hand and a waiter. It was a really small café with only 3 staffs. The manager was the owner. He just openned the café when I came to drop my resume. He seemed friendly and he talked a bit of french which was great for my first days in Sydney. He was a nice person at the beginning but then he became lunatic. Sometimes screeming on me or on my mate for nothing or because we didn't understand him. That's not a good point for him.because we did our best but he only saw the bad points. He didn't cominucate with us, and when something run bad because of him, it was our fault. Too much pressure for a too small restaurant. He didn't have self control, and no experience in management. So I left without regrets after two months.

After that I worked in another restaurants, a bigger one. It was in a cafe/bar/restaurant and I was a waiter for 10 hours to 13 hours a day. The manager wasn't the owners. But the first problem was that the owners wanted to control everything. So why did you hire a manager ? They hired pretty much only travellers because it is cheaper and the job doesn't require good skills. So the manager had to deal with at least 6 different cultures as french, english, italian, nepalese... Almost all travellers. So he has to motivate us to do a great job. How did he do ? He was lunatic has well, too much pressure


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