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Biographie en Anglais d'emilie davidson

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Par   •  23 Mars 2020  •  Compte rendu  •  295 Mots (2 Pages)  •  482 Vues

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Biography for Emilie Davison

Good morning to all of you today, we have with us the newspaper of Émilie Davidson, member of the Woman’s Social and Political Union. So we’ll see what she wrote in it:

“Dear newspaper ,

 my name is Emilie Davidson I was born in Blanckaert in London. I started school at Holloway College but I was forced to leave because my mother couldn’t afford it. After graduating, I became a teacher in Berkshire, which is a neighbourhood in South London. I loved my job very much. But I was more interested in the women’s suffrage movement. So I joined the Woman’s Social and Political Union in 1906 founded by Emeline Pankhurst. I was very loyal to the women’s cause and I was thrown in jail nine times. To attract attention, I threw myself from an iron staircase and was then seriously injured in the spine. I also went on a hunger strike at Strangways Prison, so I was forced to feed by nasal channels. I was ready to die for the movement.”

So, Emilie Davison is well known for her tragic death and final protest. Why she purposely attended the derby is unclear. One theory is that she was trying to hang the flag of the union with her favorite words “deeds not words”. It could not have been a suicide because she bought a return ticket. Her dynamic deed helped women get the right to vote so you could say she died for the cause. I think she was very important to the suffrage movement. Davison was very devoted to women’s rights. She was important to the movement, and you could literally say she died for it. Her passion for the Women’s Social and Political Union proved what an excellent suffragette she was.


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