- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC


468 Anglais dissertations gratuites 391 - 420

  • The incredible shrinking shopping baskets - français-anglais

    The incredible shrinking shopping baskets - français-anglais

    THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING SHOPPING BASKETS Train for the exam : 1. Make a summary / account of the document (60 words / 3-5 minutes) Reducing product sizes without informing consumers can indeed lead to feelings of deception. Transparency in labeling regarding changes in product sizes or quantities is crucial to

    867 Mots / 4 Pages
  • The irish immigration in the USA

    The irish immigration in the USA

    The irish immigration in the USA The push and pull factors of immigration :,se%20r%C3%A9soudre%20%C3%A0%20l'exil. Oh father dear, and I often hear you speak of Erin's isle Her lofty scenes, her valleys green, her mountains rude and wild They say it is a lovely land wherein a prince might

    602 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The jobs employers just can’t film

    The jobs employers just can’t film

    The jobs employers just can’t film. Le document est un extrait du BBC News écrit par Kate Morgan le 12 sept 2022. Le document évoque la démissions de main d’œuvre. Les expert on remarque que après le Covid les gens démissionnaient sois pour aller chez la concurrence , soit pour

    309 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The Lewis and Clark Expedition

    The Lewis and Clark Expedition

    The lewis and Clark Expedition 1.How long did the expedition last ? → it lasted 3 years (from 1804-1806) 2. When did the expedition start ? → it started on May 14th, 1804. 3. When did it finish ? → They started the journey back on March 23rd, 1806. 4.

    310 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The meaning of success

    The meaning of success

    UNIT 10: THE MEANING OF SUCCESS --> VOCABULARY ● Weep → to cry or shed tears (more literary / poetic word than cry) ● Hierarchy → a system where people or things are ranked at different levels ● Correlation → a relationship or connection between two things ● Crushing →

    803 Mots / 4 Pages
  • The New deal

    The New deal

    5.03A The New Deal This document is the aswer at questions about the New Deal. They are 4 questions with 2 to 3 sentence responses. Thanks. The New Deal refers to a series of domestic policies and programs implemented by the U.S. government under President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response

    337 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The orange and apple

    The orange and apple

    Oranges are a wonderful fruit to include in a well-balanced diet! They offer a variety of health benefits that make them a nutritious and delicious addition to any meal. One of the main reasons why oranges are so great is because they are packed with vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant

    439 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The Road of Liberty

    The Road of Liberty

    The Road of Liberty An innocent being came to our earth, This is the beginning of our bird’s birth. Born in a little tree in Mississippi, He wanted to discover the world taken by curiosity, Flying North across rivers, forests and danger With the hope of escaping places of anger.

    277 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The role of cashiers

    The role of cashiers

    The article highlights the important role of cashiers in the retail grocery industry and asks why there is a growing trend to eliminate them through automation and technology. Cashiers are often the last interaction customers have with a store and can have a significant impact on their overall shopping experience.

    264 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The Shipwrecked Child" by Banksy

    The Shipwrecked Child" by Banksy

    Banksy 'Migrant' enfant, murale graffiti / / art, quartier de Dorsoduro, Venise, Italie Photo Stock - Alamy I have chosen to present the work « The Shipwrecked Child" by Banksy. This work is a tag made in May 2019, in Venice during the inauguration of the International Art Biennale. It

    693 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The sources of common law (british)

    The sources of common law (british)

    Sources are : Acts of the Uk Parliament also known as statutes such as the bill of rights of 1689 (an Act of the Parliament of England that set out certain basic civil rights and clarified who would be next to inherit the Crown), judicial decisions, historical documents, jurisprudence, conventions

    550 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The sugar conspiracy

    The sugar conspiracy

    The sugar conspiracy Yes, I know, it does sound weird. It’s only the beginning and you might find me as a conspiracy theorist but I swear im not. First of all, this article was published by The Guardian on April the 7th, 2016. The Guardian is largely known for their

    525 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The Supermarket Lady analysis

    The Supermarket Lady analysis

    DUANE HANSON : « THE SUPERMARKET LADY » Duane Hanson (1925-1996) an American artist born in Minnesota in a farmer family. He studies Fine Arts in the USA then in Europe. Famous in the sixties through numerous HYPERREALISTIC SCULPTURES from moulds which stage American people in their everyday lives. The

    567 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The system of supply chain

    The system of supply chain

    The supply chain help business men and woman to run their activity by creating products and delivering in BtoB, BtoD, or BtoC. This process has several steps that the product started and finished with it, that start with creating the product, packaging, shipping and also the logistics to deliver it.

    441 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The tell-tale heart

    The tell-tale heart

    PERRE Maëlle 601 The tell-tale heart Write an organized paragraph that answers the questions above. First of all, the story is written in the first-person singular with the narrator is the main characters. He tells the story of what happened. In the story, there are the narrator and the old

    339 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The urbanisation process

    The urbanisation process

    Today I’m going ton analyse two documents. The first is a photo entitled « Birds eye view of the world highest capital : La Paz. » La paz is the capital of Bolivia. In this photo we can see a lot of buildings of varying sizes that look rather old.

    520 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Third party funding

    Third party funding

    Third party funding Types of funding: -professional -non-professional -with recourse -Non-recourse -of the procedural costs -of the funded party itself -of an impecunious party -Of a financially sound party Intervention à n’importe quel stade de la procédure -) exemple : avant ou après rendue sentence Les banquiers ne financent jamais

    377 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Time Capsule

    Time Capsule

    ROADMAP Time Capsule Unit 1 Mission: Your school organizes a “Time Capsule” contest. Create your own time capsule and choose 5 objects you want to store in it. Be ready to say when and where you will bury it and present your objects to the class. Explain why you chose

    392 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Tips to improve your learning skills

    Tips to improve your learning skills

    Tips to improve your learning skills Dos Don’ts Identify what’s important Organize the information (own words, schema…) Memorize in a active way Apply the information Large Group Typing Study environnement * Location * Groupe (small) or Solo * Routine vs Novel stimuli * Timing (Pomodoro Technique) Obtaining Information * Writing

    1 381 Mots / 6 Pages
  • To what extent are these two forms of power (soft and hard power) are interacting ?

    To what extent are these two forms of power (soft and hard power) are interacting ?

    Introduction The use of power can take various forms. The theorist and analyst Joseph Nye has defined in 1989 the two main forms of power, which are soft power and hard power. We will wonder : to what extent are these two forms of power interacting ? To answer this

    1 261 Mots / 6 Pages
  • To what extent can tourism benefit indigenous people ?

    To what extent can tourism benefit indigenous people ?

    Axe 1 : Identités et Echanges Central/Topical question : To what extent can tourism benefit indigenous people ? Can't choose your holiday period when a student Winter holidays/ Christmas holidays No work Can go wherever you want Visit friends or family Hang out (with friends) Travel Can sleep as long

    334 Mots / 2 Pages
  • To what extent can we say the gun culture prevails overs everything in the US ?

    To what extent can we say the gun culture prevails overs everything in the US ?

    ANGLAIS PB : To what extent can we say the gun culture prevails overs everything in the US ? It is difficult to make a blanket statement that gun culture prevails over everything in the US because the perception and prevalence of gun culture varies depending on the region and

    343 Mots / 2 Pages
  • To what extent does the government, especially the Australian one, to react to the climate change

    To what extent does the government, especially the Australian one, to react to the climate change

    Since the 1950s the Earth’s temperature has been rising by 1.5 degrees because of climate change. If fluctuations are natural what is alarming today is that temperatures are now rising faster and faster. To deal with the climate change and its consequences, I will use some documents. First, an article

    1 087 Mots / 5 Pages
  • To what extent was the Cuban missile crisis the climax of the Cold War ?

    To what extent was the Cuban missile crisis the climax of the Cold War ?

    To what extent was the Cuban missile crisis the climax of the Cold War ? INTRODUCTION : SOURCE 1 – map to represent diferent installations, reliable because based on historical datas SOURCE 2 – extract of a kennedy speech released on october 22, 1962, reliable CONTEXT -1952 : In 1952,

    650 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Toni Morrison

    Toni Morrison

    ANDI OLIVER ON NOBEL PRIZE-WINNING AUTHOR TONI MORRISON [BBC Radio 4 - Great Lives (24 January 2020)] 1. This podcast is devoted to author Toni Morrison. What can we learn about: A: her family background Her family was a working-class black family, descended from slaves from Alabama who moved in

    1 304 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Tort Law

    Tort Law

    Tort law is a fundamental aspect of the legal system that addresses issues of civil wrongs and personal injury. In essence, it is concerned with determining legal liability for harm caused by one party to another. The concept of tort law may seem straightforward, but it is a complex area

    1 863 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Translation exercices

    Translation exercices

    Translation Exercise 1 Translate the following expressions from French to English. Try not to use a dictionary at first. I. The "Chassé-croisé Traverser la rue en courant

    1 238 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Travail d'anglais résumé voyage

    Travail d'anglais résumé voyage

    Hello everybody, we are friends and we have been to Australia for one week already and are still staying another week. It was incredible! I am sure we will have an even better moment the following week. On the first day, we have taken the air-plane and have landed at

    515 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Travail d'anglais sur une console

    Travail d'anglais sur une console

    My name is Kate. I studied at the University of California at Berkeley which is an engineering school and therefore I am an engineer specializing in the technological universe and more precisely in video games and Console. I will present a new project that I imagined at the university is

    493 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Twisted fairytailes - Snow White

    Twisted fairytailes - Snow White

    Once Upon a Time, lived a beautiful young woman. Her name is Snow-White. She was perfect, the kind of person you never meet twice in your life: she was sweet, intelligent, cultured and she did not give any importance to social medias, or other technologies. His father was the mayor

    323 Mots / 2 Pages
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