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Bassem Youssef (document en anglais)

Recherche de Documents : Bassem Youssef (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  3 Mars 2014  •  390 Mots (2 Pages)  •  715 Vues

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the egyptian revolution of 2011 , till now has inspired a lot of people ;writers,painters,intellectuals, youth, bloggers, facebook page's admins, and doctors .. like Dr Bassem Youssef.


the cardiac surgeon named one of the "100 most influential people in the world" by Time magazine,

started with "B+ Bassem youssef" his first satirical political show broadcasted via Internet ,created in March 8/ 2011 began with more than 108 episodes of the program. The episode view count has surpassed 15 million views on YouTube and was uploaded to YouTube leading to over 120,000,000 views. an important number for an arabic youtube's video , after this success Egyptian channel ONTV, owned by Egyptian billionaire Naguib Sawiris, offered Youssef a deal for El Bernameg (means literally"The Program")

the famous show "Al-Bernameg " a satirical news program , premiered during Ramadan 1432 (2011). In his show, Youssef has parodied celebrities and cultured egyptians like: Muhamed Radwan , amro Mostafa,Hazem Salah Abu Ismael ,Muhamed Elbaradei former head of the International Atomic Energy Agency , Samir Ghaneem,Dr. Amr Hamzawy and his wife the actress Bassema hamzawy , and the famous Jon Stewart

the second season of the program "the program" or "al bernameg" broadcast by Egyptian television station CBC caused the arrest of Bassem youssef for "insulting Islam" and for information he is a muslim, and for "insulting the president Morsi " and as the fans said he didn't insult him , he critisized his work and it's a right

defended by the law and the defenders of democracy around the world like the host of "the daily show" Jon Stewart ,Youssef — recently released on a $2,100 bail after five hours of interrogation — does not have that luxury.

Youssef and Al-Bernameg employ Daily Show-style cutaway jokes and montage-media gags, but the show functions on a much higher ethical level. Youssef takes on the powerful and incurs real risks

Now , after what some calls "teh second revolution" and others"military coup" on July 3rd that overthrew Egypt’s elected Islamist president, the country remains dangerously divided , and Bassem youssef stoped defusing his program to protect his life and his employees and the audience's ones


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