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Éude du poème Tournesol du recueil Clair de Terre d'André Breton

Mémoire : Éude du poème Tournesol du recueil Clair de Terre d'André Breton. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  8 Février 2014  •  466 Mots (2 Pages)  •  2 446 Vues

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The poem tells the story of a man who seems to have noticed a woman, he is following her through the city, desiring her from the very first moment he saw her: "Le désespoir roulait au ciel ses grands arums si beaux,", "Et dans le sac à main il y avait mon rêve ce flacon de sels,", "Que seule a respiré la marraine de Dieu". He seems to know the route she takes every day (Les Halles, Au Chien qui fume, Pont-au-Change, Rue Git-le-Coeur). He represses his desire towards this woman, because he does not know if it is correct to abandon himself to such basic instincts: "Les torpeurs se déployaient comme la buée", "Au Chien qui fume", "Où venaient d'entrer le pour et le contre". She conquers them one after the other: "Les lampions prenaient feu lentement dans les marronniers". The other men are only interested in her looks, and they have perverted thoughts ("La jeune femme ne pouvait être vue d'eux que mal et de biais"), which is insulting to the narrator, making him wonder even more if he should give in to his impulses: "Avais-je affaire à l'ambassadrice du salpêtre", "Ou de la courbe blanche sur fond noir que nous appelons pensée". Reading further, it is possible to understand that she seems to have many different men in her life, or maybe more in her bed, leading me to believe that she is a prostitute: "Les promesses de nuits étaient enfin tenues", "Se joignaient aux seins de la belle inconnue", "Les pigeons voyageurs les baisers de secours". After seducing many of them, she brings them to what is without a doubt a bordel, confirming her profession: "Une ferme prospérait en plein Paris", "Et ses fenêtres donnaient sur la voie lactée"; the first sentence meaning more precisely that they are having sex like animals, the second meaning that they are in seventh heaven, in that house. And then, they fall in love and are trapped: "Et dans l'amour il entre un peu de leur substance", "Elle les interiorise". When the narrator understands what she is doing, he realizes he is not going to get caught like the others: "Je ne suis le jouet d'aucune puissance sensorielle". Therefore, he seizes his chance (symbol of the cricket) to pull himself out of this situation: "Et pourtant le grillon qui chantait dans les cheveux de cendres," "Un soir près de la statue d'Etienne Marcel," "M'a jeté un coup d'oeil d'intelligence," "André Breton a-t-il dit passe". The first sentence means that he is finally close to reaching his goal (the cricket sings in her hair), but it is at this exact moment that he understands the he will not give in to his impulses, so the cricket looks at him and tells him he is free to go.


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