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Étude du livre Eating Animals de Jonathan Safran Foer

Documents Gratuits : Étude du livre Eating Animals de Jonathan Safran Foer. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  9 Mars 2013  •  239 Mots (1 Pages)  •  873 Vues

Book : Eating animals

Writer : Jonathan Safran Foer

Article de référence : livre

Summary :

Eating animals, it is in our nature. It's not only part of our nature, it's also part of a whole tradition. What would a family dinner be like without a nice piece of beef to come with the potatoes?

And as the living standard rose with the years, eating meat and fish became a daily habit.

Farmers, who were confronted with a rising demand, had to find a way to be able to respond to this demand. That's how factory farming arose.

Factory farming (and industrial fishing) is a mindset: reducing production costs to the absolute minimum, ignoring costs such as environmental degradation, human disease or animal suffering. All that to be able to offer more for a lower price.

In his book, Safran Foer throws light on all the different stages of the food chain.

First with the chickens, then with the pigs, then with the beefs and finally with the fish.

The consequences of such mass production are enormous and we, consumers, participate to those disastrous consequences by the only act of buying meat and fish in the supermarket.

The most significant consequences are the waste produced by the industry, the diseases seen in animals but also in humans and the problematic amounts of faeces produced by the animals.

These are bad consequences for the environment, but also to the population's health and (in America) we find very poor regulation trying to limit them.


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