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Étude du film Brave New World de Aldous Huxley (document en anglais)

Fiche de lecture : Étude du film Brave New World de Aldous Huxley (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  23 Novembre 2014  •  Fiche de lecture  •  399 Mots (2 Pages)  •  834 Vues

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This film was adapted from Aldous Huxley's novel «Brave new world». The film was made in 1980. Aldous Huxley is a writer and a philosopher.

In a future society based on plesasure whitout moral worries, love is prohibited but casual sex, now called «engaging», is strongly encouraged. Everyone is kept happy with a legal drug. Peope are hatched and cloned on conveyor belts to meet the requirements of five different social classes. Alphas and Betas are at the top of the system, ther are very intelligent and schedule to be tall and handsome, they are dressed in gray whereas Betas are dressed in pink. Then they are Gammas who are in the middle of the system because they «are not too stupid», there are «not too bright, to be a Gamma is to be just right». And then Deltas and Epsilons who are at the bottom, they are not intelligent and not handsome, they represent the world's industrial working clases. A drug called Soma ensures that no one ever feels pain or romains unhappy, and members of every caste receive ration of the drug.

The westen wored controller gives a conference to Alpha graduates about the ancient civilization. They compare Ford to a God they say «our Ford», so we can say that in the conference they use a language related to religion. All members of the society have their own place and know what their duties are. The dress code in the perfect society is an overall/uniform with a letter on the chest. Ford is an inspiration for their society because he was the first to create assembly line work, with the first car called Ford T wich is a perfection for the society.

In the ancients civilization, there were war, diseases, violence, poverty, hunger/starvation, emotion like love, jealousy whereas in the modern society there is nothing of all that, they are neutral without any emotion, war and diseases, everything is just perfect in the modern society whitout any natural birth, because for them natural birth is disgusting. They think it's a perversion, they compare women giving birth to animals. Men and women make love just for fun and net in order to procreate. I think that human being is deshumanized. We have the first-clase citizens and the second-class citizens. This is dangerous because there is no more equality. Man is compared to machine manufactured in mass.


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