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Visite D'un Proche

Documents Gratuits : Visite D'un Proche. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  3 Janvier 2013  •  333 Mots (2 Pages)  •  809 Vues

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- Good evening Mrs, I’m a nurse. Can I help you ?

- Good evening, yes you can, I’m looking for my daughter, she’s in the emergency.

- What’s you daughter name ?

- It’s Kate Parker.

- She’s here. We take care of her, don’t worry. You’re going to see her. But before I need you to give me some informations to complete the admission.

- Okay, of course.

- Can you tell me what’s her blood group ? and is she on treat ?

- She’s A- and she’s not on treat but she’s allergic to penicillin.

- Okay, thank you, now can you tell me what happened ?

- She was knocked down by a bus. It’s my fault, I shouldn’t let her go alone to the cinéma.

- It’s okay Mrs Parker, it’s an accident.

- How is she ?

- She’s fine but she broke her leg falling down, we had to put his leg in plastrer.

- How long should her to keep it ? It will be so hard for her. She practises dancing.

- I understand but it’s not for a very long time. She will be able to dance again, dont’s worry.

- How can I help ? Can she go to shcool ?

- Of course. She will need crutches ans she will need you to help her.

- No problem ! I will help her to do her toilet and put her clothes.

- It will be okay !

- Can I see her now ? I can’t wait. She may be scared alone.

- She’s in room C4 but visiting hours will be over at 7 in the evening.

- You need to keep her this night ?

- Yes, she’s a little bit shocked, but tomorrow she will go back home.

- Okay if it’s better for her ! What are the visiting hours please ?

- From 9 to 11 and 4 to 7.

- Thank you, do you need anything else ?

- No, I don’t, go visiting your daughter, the doctor should be with her, you can ask him more questions if you need.

- Thank you very much Mrs.

- You’re welcome, every thing will be all right, if Kate need something, ask me.

- Have a good evening Mrs Parker.

- Goodbye.


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